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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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is holding the powerful to account as we examine the us as role in the own. oh, jeez era. the the hello. i'm sorry i'm new. why the welcome to the news. our life from dow hawk coming up in the next 60 minutes seems of extreme desperation. tens of thousands of palestinians have been pushed out of that homes in eastern rough on of to israel want of an imminent ground attack. meanwhile, as strikes are intensifying across gauze that including east and rough box, at least $28.00 people have been killed in the past 24 hours or so,
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coming up on the program, china is leaders. aging ping begins, has european tools with trade relations high on the agenda and tony cheng and east the memo of basic health care facilities have been set up in the jungle. i think from strikes an autism and support lender. norris finally gets his 1st when informed me to one of the 8 2nd place finishes my assessment. the claims allow me to print the are welcome to the program. we begin this hour. the human catastrophe that is continuing to unfold in the east and rough uh, tens of thousands of palestinians are desperately trying to leave the area off to an order from the is right in the army or concerns that the situation could be
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about to get much was as the indications are from these really all me that a ground invasion of some sort of offensive is eminence as get the latest from al correspondent, honey my mood. he's been following the story in rough. i'm southern gauze and out of the festival. it's been some 5 hours since people were told to leave the area. what is happening right now and how it people responding to this. cool. yeah. as well as you stated, very desperate situations right now and run by city, particularly in the eastern part of a city that the us allow neighborhood, the janine or her. these are to densely populated here and not only with local residents, but also with the hundreds of 1000 of displays, families inside residential homes. or those will set up their tents then on, on roads or sidewalks, or on those little islands in the middle of the very crowded spaces in those
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particular area. and what right now we're seeing people are, by the 1000 taking the, the central road that's a minimal number of a city all the way through the coast, the roads, the western part of the fix, the lock and all the weight moving to the evacuation. so to milwaukee in both dropped behind the con you in the front of the central area. we talked to some of the people who were on the doorway on the cost of order from the center earlier this. 7 type, the situation of it, so now me, i'll be back you, we moving into the sense from area and a back oceans on and what from part upon you in a city. now unfortunately, this is not happening only because of the, the phone calls in the text message and the leave list, a drop by the is really military. but right now with tragic mood happens under valenze lesser strikes and constant artillery. still think of the sprint area over by a city and just within the past few minutes, ambulance where dispatch to pick up injuries and those who were killed the casualties of both the in the early hours of this morning and within the early
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hours of this afternoon a transfer here to the community hospital tell me about the conditions that people that are dealing with already because there is no clean water. food is gas, there is no purpose on it. taishan. and this is actually a very small bits of gauze the way you had some 2 or 300000 people. now, over a 1000000 people are sheltering the wherever they likely to go. are they already starting to move or are they just going to remain where they are and, and until we see something further from these, riley ami was not the city always. those are very catastrophic. we're seeing on it president, it difficult isn't a human terms of the human. it's very in situations. lack of of facility is heidi and sanitation and all the difficulties of the living conditions are created by the
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intense bombing campaign on docs has been going on for the past 7 months. now. these in new evacuation orders are likely to have further increase the difficulties of these living conditions increase the, the, the chances and the risk of it more. so this disease is to spread that more difficult conditions to areas that i've been somehow disabled. but what's more important is the shutter sense of safety. yes. then that's right. now we're, we're joined by abdulla how far is the uh, the, the, the manager, the office manager, who uh, organizations and enjoy the provide that system and then on help to people who will talk to us more about the conditions. i'll go have dinner on for a new evaluation or really leaving. yes, thank you very much for bringing me in honey. the situation here is diode does. it has been a benefits of genocide for day 200 and something. you know, the ones that just didn't different. we have this much of up to us. if you here,
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we have this much of unrelenting site, could have displacements on floss, a with this, and you evacuation orders with a night for link this compartments. busy busy a, we have like a tsunami, the feedback you, we use as you've just said, hundreds of thousands of punish dns. now i'm leaving out of rough, i to know where as you guys like as a whole next step spaces isn't and has it just to created a situation of the shaving guys physically yet it is the physical love this cable. because if you have these, they have this device because it's used to connect foundation, and that's why there is no spaces, uh, the, the, the, the human it's, it could be the function of the humanitarian quoting. so it's also have created a situation where that is a very limited access to aid. so with that and to hygiene to those families. busy yes or not. these evacuation zone designated by this valium, others are not only they are not saved, but it also like the basic infrastructure facility is needed for human survival.
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can you talk to us like in light of the work that you're doing, you have been doing for the past 7 months? what are the difficulties, what people, what are the challenges, are waiting people right now at mid this time? what was that humanitarian situation here is get this month with a link. this one button is a tax on the, on 8 convoys, deliberate beginning of the oh, $8.00. well, cuz as well as of a multiple buttons all the time. if we have a highly complex goals or humanitarian supply chain, we have an effective and efficient delivery of a to the people to need on time on the right quantities. this is due to the complications we facebook at the receiving side. none of the supply side is one of the supply side. we have a, this much of complications deteriorating conditions and transport them to just to the closest last minute the changes we have delivered delays of human training a, the trucks but it is we're in, we also have. busy a, the urgency of the, the, if it's a high number of people that need to, to, to, to have a human attorney. appropriate human attorney, a response, we need to have
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a live of supply chain. we need to have a proper, if human to train access to human stream space. and we also need to have the ability to reduce a name and goals that we don't have any of such. because what unfaltering does is a crisis above emergency if it is, did it print it says mind made. and this what makes everything here very, very, very complex. busy the civilians, life has been a constant striking for safety and security, with their lights to safety and security has been compromised at the middle of gaza . and the minute have got to the middle because it was the announced as a safe zone by the patient forces a couple of months ago. but it is, it is not the, the concept of save designated area has just been shuttered. not only to shut up, but it's we have, it has just intensified the challenges we face as guardians here on the ground. all right, thank you. i have to have that view heard the multi layered problems are created by not only the intense bobbing campaign, but also the more evacuation order. there are likely to further increase the
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difficulties and that the dire situations for people who are evacuating to these evacuations are going to be really old. very crowded right now, but without the proper sanitation infrastructure highs, you were looking at some difficult days ahead of us. thank you very much from rough and southern gaza, honey monolingual, forcing to us so many of the people who are leaving eastern rough, i heading towards han units and data by law. this is a central area that's been totally devastated by weeks of his ready bombardment underground defensive. the area lacks any facilities for displace palestinians, most of its hospitals, and any sort of infrastructure that would be that to serve the needs of people. less than ease of damage still completely destroyed and is really strikes. it's picked end of the country who joins us from darrow by law. so, you know, we've already seen the killing of civilians and an unprecedented scale in gaza. but
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on top of that, the humana carrying challenges only getting was what have you witnessed in data on the ballot in central gaza as well. there is a state of panicking, despair, frustration in continuous fear. this is not the 1st time the is there any army orders, people to evacuate from a place to another? this is like the 4th or the 5th, or the 6th time people have been displaced from an area to another. today we were in the field on the ground talking to a lot of people. some of the people were not even able to speak. they were crying, asking us where they should, they call some people prefer death, other than being displaced from place to another. other people are saying like they are going to evacuate, but there is no guarantee that this is a safe area. they're going to another thing that people are roaming around and, and driving around and not even finding
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a place to set up their time because it is very, very crowded. and schools, hospitals, empty lands are also a packed with people. so people are now in the state of fear. they don't have any place to go. that humanitarian situation is collapsing because we know the trust and cut him. i was telling him, are the old when the window to the cause of strip. and all of this is happening in 24 hours where last night it was about the day and night in the for where at least 20 palestinians have been killed. but also people who woke up on the relief, let's asking them to evacuate again. people are going to newness, where can you and this was a invaded by that is where in the army for more than 4 months it has been completely wiped off. the buildings have been bombed or partially bummed or burned out. the rubble is everywhere and it's, it has you access to water or electricity or anything. and bubble is everywhere. so
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people are stuck not knowing where to go and they're literally running away from this. all of these feelings have been transmitted to us by the people today. and unfortunately, we did not have answers to be, but we do not know where they should go and us, we don't know where should we go was? so just to understand this, and there are people who have already had to move, they've been forcibly displaced multiple times. as a result of it is really a tax on their area. they are now struggling to survive from, from one day to the next because basic facilities and infrastructure has been completely destroyed when they woke this morning. they swell these leaflets without having to move again. so there is the sort of psychological at torture and the effect that has on people tell me more about those that you have spoken to. and what they said, i know you said that many people have worried the scared they're asking about where
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they can go. but just tell me to look more about those conversations you've been having with the palestinians that i meant. i mean, she is a 60 year old woman. she told me that she lost her daughter and her son on the 1st week of the war. and she was ordered to evacuate from the another and cause was true. she evacuated to the left and then she went through and i say, dodd. and then she went to new and this and then she thought she was like, okay, let me go 2 to 4. and this is the last safe area i will go to because it's near the border. nothing's gonna happen there. and then today she was talk, the profile is also a threat and she has to be back to a. but her answer was like 2121 would like continue a lot to, i think for our place to another. another man i met today, he said that he was arrested from the another and cause trip. he had to evacuate and to came to the father and he did not meet his family for more than 6 months
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right now. and he wishes to go back to the north, but again, the leaflets that were dropped to date on the gauze, on the for, to find the gaza strip were up stated that part of the news are only allowed to go either to con units or to the central area and the another and part of the gaza strip are, are very dangerous and people are not allowed to go there. so people are currently stuck between 100 just and then it. but, and as i mentioned before, people already bought 2 i did there. and where the space there and then had to go to the fun and it's has been a cycle for more than 7 months. people have been displaced. i met the woman today. she told me that this is the nice time. she gets the space from a place to another. palestinians are hopeless despite all of these negotiations and agreements and the talks that are happening. but people on the ground are very desperate, are frustrated. seer is conquering the, the as the in the air. but again, people know the can you and this and that and,
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but i'm not safe because this has been an experience where more than 7 was where the is there any forces asked people to up to a, to an area and dissing they just save. but at the end of the day, they do a bomb bit and they do a target with their, our strikes. so people are hopeless or frustrated and they literally don't know where to call and know for dory. thank you very much for taking the time to speak to us in terms of some of these national reaction we've had over the past few hours, the, your opinions for the 1st chief is urging israel to cool off it's military operation and rasa in a post on acts formerly known as twitter, joseph burrell says, israel's evacuation. what is the civilians and rough attend the west mobile and found that it is unacceptable? is realm this, renounce a ground offensive and implemented the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire and gaza. he ends by saying the you with the international
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community can and must act to prevent such a scenario. i'm doing now by james elder from eunice as he is in geneva. what do you feel will happen if there is an all out assault on rough? uh, why did people go a we just got a seat chest if the palm gets to catastrophe i think you of your last viewer and your correspondence captured it perfectly. there's no way to go as easily as id are safe, stallings, it was 1st moods that in, in november completely you know, the fact that the sites on top of each other and just not forming it all those sites, tons of baseball. and it's about making sure people have access to water and sanitation of food. and by virtue of being rafa recently until this morning, the average person had about one lead true more to put di, purpose. and one of the tough way underneath any sense of emergency humanitarian
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guidelines. now that being forced to move the game to time, even if i was in calling you this last month telling me this is russell. as your correspondence at jerry butler is under, under a mixture check, so we have the language is very important here. the idea that people can go somewhere side off they move for a lot of times all the children are made who are intense in right? having pain in the hospital with that you change it and so they should still be in a hospital, but such as the crazy number of children with wounds of was there's a phone over rice, european hospital, of course, the biggest functioning is to hospital showing jobs. it ups, my understanding is in that evacuation zone, that's $20000.00 people taking shelter, much less of the many hundreds and bright health stops. so as mine boldly is this is, it seems to be happening and it will be high risk. so it has to be care about this . if people do have the option of being able to leave if, if they are able bodied enough to be able to move, there's no way to go. but as you're saying, you spend some time in hong eunice,
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you say is russell and inside the european hospital, which i think is one of the last functioning hospitals in gauze, there is also very important because it supplies some of the smaller facilities that might still be functioning, you say that it's crammed with severely injured and dying children. so you know, those people who have had amputations or are suffering from injuries and not able to move. so there is nothing left for them to do, but to just sit there and wait as well. i think people as they see some people get, know some people who are seeking to move ok. remembering that it's also a little bit about finances of these as the finances at this point. not everyone has the foggins to move across, cause i didn't have the had the capacity smashed. but yes, there are a large number of people. there are children, there are wounded children, there are sick people. we know that the, she lack of age. it's being able to get in the way people have been deprived of
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nutrition and more so we have a lot of malnourished children and they reveal to a unit 7 agency like us. yes, we work for children that are well aware of. we only have 4 hard times and do not have the ability to move again to attend on a very, very crowded oh, the crowd, a beach where there's no sign of taishan. so this is the reality that people have now been faced with. and we are told, of course this will be, i think what he's unlimited offensive. okay. but i was in the south of the gaza strip on my 1st vision in november and we were told that there's no way to south lead. you are the same for all. so g, all the news and now we have ton units, which is devastation like no one has ever seen before. so we are to see that again in rafa i, we will say a lot of people killed the bombardment. the disease which is already changing rooms will spread like wildfire flop file name. when this is done,
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there is no way are you guys, if you were to hear about russell? so it's a safe spot as hostages on relief to another stop and these fighting parties have triple ones focused on the civilians and the children of robert james on that point on october 31st. you eunice, have said that nausea is a graveyard for children, and i think you have spent some 20 years with the united nations. just tell me briefly what have you seen in gaza city and? and han eunice, the dentist, i should, i, so there is like nothing i've said and as you said, my 2 decades. but i also reached out to colleagues of friends who worked through all across, he'd be crises of these all these to ensure you're also not saying that she started prove that every way you were to and 360 degrees was rubble and the space that you enjoyed, we've been signed for months, is the indiscriminate nature of this you dar, destroyed hundreds of hundreds of housing blocks. not
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a single said in university your function university in java, on that only happens with a particular intent on that side of military and tech, which is led to now moving 14000 children killed 14000 girls and boys that simon changes. now just moving hundreds of thousands of people from age of a not caring that they don't have the ability to move all the safety, all the set of changes, you know, the toilets. i know there's a subject variety in transfers as well. but sometimes we projects waiting to not a family, an old person, a teen. i'd show what times that a taishan to know like them that you can achieve. and that's been going for 6 to 7 months to non children, the sod, logical support job as of right now, as units that are citizens, it's not a place for children. has an active goals on the way they have seen and heard unspeakable horrors. but it's the heart of this dogs or is the home. but you have every single child, they are under some type of trauma. most of the majority of those children are down
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and run. the place they were told to go, even though they were both of it's every nod, even though it was your correspondences. many children died of the nice. this is pretty in the home that they don't want to. and now they have to go again. these are a sho, apparently, stunningly, is about to get was thank you very much from units of james elder. it's well, the french embassy in israel says it presents a manual not call and has been speaking with benjamin netanyahu. he's been encouraging him to successfully complete negotiations with a mass that could lead to the release of captives, the protection of civilians through a ceasefire and to stem escalating tensions in the region. not crowned also reiterated his phone opposition to in his railey attack on rafa. and stressed the urgent need for humanitarian a to be allowed through all access points into gaza. meanwhile, the deputy prime minister in the belgians has had countries working on further
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sanctions against israel writing on ex pats reduced the to one that is really cool for the evacuation of the citizens and refugees of rafa. and the announced invasion will lead to masika. belgium is working on further sanctions against israel. she says you will meet with the palestinian minister of foreign affairs on monday afternoon. but i'll just, there is out in fisher is so joins us now. he is in washington and tell us out and it seems as though in previous weeks, whenever he is ready to prevent possible plans for rough uh to washington, they've been sort of rejected the sea blinking saying that they don't want to see a ground defensive in southern gaza anyway, from the state department or from the white house on what we see happening now. as i think the suggestions that the us have any power to reject funds put forward by the israelis is perhaps stretching a point. what's important to say is that for
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a number of weeks, the us has been concerned about the impact that would be on civilians if, if they were to move into rafa. and they've asked them to put together some commodity and clubs that were told that at the end of last week there was a plan which was not comprehensive that was shown to the united states, but they still have a number of concessions. and certainly in conversations the various stakeholders have had including the 2 defense secretary, these relays made it clear that as far as their consent thereafter, operation must go ahead. no, you remember that job. i can threaten that there could be a change in the us position. if israel didn't take more into account, you might have to tell you the situation. and guy said that after the death of the world through the kitchen, what goes there. and that is certainly still a consent that they have no, there's a thought in washington that perhaps is really saying that they are going to press
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a head with alpha in a way to try and get some us back to the negotiating table to make sure that there can be some form of cx 5 and sadly that you guys are still pushing for there to be a deal of some kind. but all of these talks come against the backdrop of a job by meeting with king abdullah of jordan a over lunch that is going to be a private meeting. and that's expected not to produce any sort of diplomatic re died. but we understand that the king of jordan will be given updates on the discussions about the possibility of coming to some sort of ceasefire. and of course, it comes against the backdrop of benjamin netanyahu addressing these really people that we can then telling them that they can't trust the gentiles. this, after all, the support the joe biden has given them public. after all the support he's given them really totally to katia of the operation and gaza. and also all the support that the united states gave if failed when it came under attack from a run. so many people in washington may regard that as
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a very unfortunate phrase at the very best from benjamin netanyahu. and a diplomatic stop at was, the thing you'll have to remember is the us a said for a long time, it is putting pressure on israel. and it's operation and gaza, but we're seeing absolutely new evidence that that pressure has changed in the israel is doing. and does that. remember, they said they will conduct their war the way these effect no matter what anyone says to the thank you very much on an fisher and washington goshen bask in his middle east direct to the international communities organization . i spoke to him earlier and he told me that israel is searching for a victory that cannot be achieved as there is no military victory in the world like this. and israel needs to understand this. and how much is an idea and an idea ology, and that cannot be destroyed by military. there have to be political solutions to deal with the reality of commerce and the reality of gaza. and this is not being
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done. but i would also say to from us that if they want to prevent is really incursion into gaza, it more of death and destruction unnecessarily death and destruction. i'm not sure to accept the deal that's on the table now, even if it doesn't meet all of their demands because it will bring about a ceasefire and a halt to the work for weeks may be months, there won't be guarantees, no one can provide those guarantees on from us once israel to declare that it will end the war that's not going to happen. so we're going to a deadlock situation where israel is continuing on with the war and the military, encouraging him to cause a into a real fast. and this should be avoided it from us just to yes, now they will get palestinian prisoners really. there will be a ceasefire. there will be free, moving for displace people in garza to move from the south to the north. any objections and the contemporaries of all said that they will work hard together with the americans and others to ensure that the war will not be renewed or germany
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is fine. officers criticize israel's decision to close out is there is office is issued a statement saying a free and diverse price landscape is the cornerstone is every liberal democracy in times of conflict. especially it's one of crucial importance to protect the freedom of press. the decision of the is ready authorities to shut down alger 0 and israel is the wrong signal. busy well, we are pushing from outside israel and i'll just there how strongly condemned israel is move saying it will cost you all available legal channels. meanwhile, student demonstrations against the world calls that are spreading of the students the ultimate in game as universities in the u. k. of set up their own incumbent. similar to those we've seen in campuses across the united states, canada in front, organize the states in solidarity with palestinians,
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and they intend to keep the camp open for an on the number of days. i'll just say resort to challenge, is it also university for us and joins us now and tell us what the students that are has been saying? well the last couple of, as the students who've had that 1st test, it hasn't come from the university of the ortiz, hasn't come from the police has come from the sky and some, some pretty heavy samples. but i go there, i'm friends of, i mean gathering under the g a z bows. they know if the united states is any precedents that things might well get a lot tougher than that. so over the next few days, this camp was being hit, only a few hours, it pops up over nights on the loan, the green loan of the pit rivers, museums in the sense that adults with their similar ones in cambridge and the other universities around the country. the demands of the for testers, off that's the university. listen to what they have to say. i was calling on the
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universities to do is to disclose where for the universe, the money is going, whether it's going to is rated companies, whether it's going to companies and they say supports the upon the side of the is right, the state they want, the university to divest from all of these companies and any company that's on the b ds, a boy called list. they also want at the university to stop dealing with barclays bank, which they say is heavy and both in israel and they want the university to support the rebuilding palestinian lead. rebuilding of educational facilities in gauze. now, a mess that has been 0 police presence apart from a couple of all the been used offices you came along and also a few questions before leaving. and of course, that mocks this out very different day to the united states process. at the moment . this is small, we've got about 25 times, maybe 50 or so people will have to see whether that escalates over the coming days
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. and a lot of that depends on what the police and the university or thirty's decide to do. it's a public holiday here in the you k at the moment, which means that that wouldn't be a decision made perhaps for another day also when the university stuff come back from that long weekend off. then of course, they will have to decide about how much compensation they want, but of course, the protested states will have to decide how much compensation they want as well. thank you very much, laurie challenge the oxford university in the u. k. that's now how to america because that correspond potty guy and is there at george washington university in washington. tell us about the the encampment. seeing just that behind you, patsy. well i can tell you i was here when the camera was 1st set up and it is definitely grown. the organization now seems much more efficient over here. there's 10 to after 10th of water, food, and sign, se everything's free, just like palestine will be one day. but the university professor here at george
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washington sent out an e mail students just about almost 24 hours ago, saying that this is an illegal enchantment or gene that the d. c. police to move in with their reports that they tried to do this in the 1st day. the police said that they simply weren't going to come in and arrest peaceful prose peaceful protesters, the university president without offering any evidence. it's saying that it is no longer peaceful, and i want to bring in one of the student organizers, marianne, she is a jewish students and you've been here protesting. so the university president says you've been surrounded and intimidated g w students with anti semitic images. and hateful of rhetoric, does that happen? yes. so all of these claims that we are seeing about anti semitism, about hateful rhetoric. this is a diversion tactic is meant to take the focus away from the genocide in hasa. and it is meant to take the focus away from our demands. we're demanding that the university protect pro palestinian speech on campus, drop all charges against,
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promote sydney and student organizers. and organizations disclose all investments and endowments divest from the state of israel, and then all partnerships, academic partnerships with israel. but she also says that you've been chasing people out of the yard. we. this is a liberated zone. this is a public space. anyone is welcome to be in here. we do not tolerate sheets. the incident that she may be referring to, although she provides no specific evidence or context is uh, 2 days ago when a sniper from the israeli occupation forces came into our encampments with hopes of intimidating us. um and we did not tolerate the design is i'm and the fact that someone who has likely murdered people's loved ones was on was in our liberated zone. but, you know, we, everybody has left on their own. of course,
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obviously there's increasing pressure on d. c to come in with the police, are you? do you think they're going to, are you concerned? i am not concerned because i know that any conditions that we may face here any for pressure in any state violence is absolutely nothing compared to what the people in class are going through right now. we are going to stay here. it doesn't matter what police do, what the university administration does. we're going to keep fighting until our demands are not miriam, things just thank you very much for doing the elders or english. i do appreciate you think you can. so again, i think a lot of people are thinking that its graduations time and ceremonies are coming up, that these kids are, that these young people are going to leave. what i'm hearing from these protesters is they're going to be here through the summer until their demands are met. so right now, a peaceful stand off, but a stand off number was thank you very much. and george washington university there in washington to call
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a the chinese president, jiang thing is holding talks with the french media and manual, not crohn. and his 1st visits the european union in 5 years. trade is on the agenda as been great intentions between europe in china, including of of what the uses is an imbalance between chinese export and it's european imports. mac one is also expected to push the chinese presents a use influence with the russian leader of the war and ukraine. a funny walk to her as the director of research it us from asset management to european institutional investment management fund, joins us live now from pars, what are you watching for from this trap, or was this a vivid from the existing brittany, the virus? i read. thank god, so am i can run back over to the present. you are from strategy young tray, the,
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you know, we, we are very dependent on china or we have, or i'd say if you choose to trade this a 2300000000000 euro been 20 for the 3. and so we have to sing the frontier, your boss, the, the way things are going with a, with chart about the program to a day receiving strategy. which meant that since we wanted to have different tools offer of trade, not only with china, to the new, to our risk in the in europe. and the great thing is out on the property and back quote, we'll take the weight, we turn it off to you should see during the dispensing does that dependency on china limits then the, the leverage might cronum or flat back to any other european need will have when trying to pressure china over its alliance with russia and the war in ukraine, why,
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why to here a p. lead is think that they can influence this. and anyway, it is. it's a very cold duty story. but the re, re know is that are emitted back who wants to, to speak to a to z on the rescue or conflict between the cracked and the codes china. i just points to paul to a to restaurant at this moment. here we know that the wants to to split group, but we see on the middle east 4th street. uh, you talked about before. uh because china, i agree, dependent on the uh, you run ours. and so we, it's, uh, it is something we we have to discuss with. but it's very complicated because i try not always a very, very strong in front of me, a very strong push it for the country. and uh, we have a few of them to try to change his mind on that. on this conflict on the,
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the way the chinese economy. but meetings are, was direction. thank you very much for a walk to for joining us there and sharing your thoughts on this story. richard and we've been following the story and then ma weeks of fighting in the town of ne, a warranty on the type border. this falls tens of thousands of people into thailand, but there were still many more who remain trapped inside the country. few and estimates 2 and a half 1000000 people have been displaced by fighting since the minute tracy's power and a crew. in the 2nd of a series of special reports from inside me and my address here is tiny chang witnessed the desperate conditions. many of those people are living in a full step of the homes. and now hiding from the heat, a group of displaced people sit in the shade. they've nowhere else to go. this is
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the 3rd time they've had to flee that village. close to the town of co, correct. amongst them, don't know, pull the daughters and grandchildren. they've been sheltering here for 3 weeks with nothing but a bag of rice and some oil donated by the local temple, the money they had and even arrived in the village before this by telling us. and we was gad at the soldiers would shoot us last year. they were in our village, dilute anything valuable from our houses. it's especially hard for the children. most schools have been closed since the co 3 years ago. and constantly moving is deeply unsettling. other basic services like health care escapes to an engine function is being treated for shrapnel injury. he winces with pain is the doctor treats and dresses is when the clinics hidden under the deep jungle canopy. the
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military has targeted anywhere it thinks might be helping the rebels 24 hours a day as a constant pause in the sky. that's what the fight to say is why 12, it's a sponsor plane. that's up the looking for targets for artillery, but also capable of jumping down bombs as the site has noticed, they add a site, slipping seamlessly under the cover of the trees and shrubs, the salt of explosions in the distance back of the clinic. a small truck arrives inside my pen a in labor and moaning in pain. they how are you her into the surgery. she and her family are also displaced from the home. that took them 7 hours to get to the clinic. she does my lot. we had to carry her with a hammock there, around 8 people carrying her down the mountain. then we took a car along the rough jungle road. it was so difficult. we didn't know how to
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relieve her pain. they put her on a trip, but there's only so much the doctor could do. he's worried the long jenny may have home the expecting mother. and the baby inside. very quickly, the child is blown, but it's not breathing. its skin color is turning purple. the doctor quickly gets to work as vital seconds take away. and then the sound everyone's been hoping to hear smiles and really for the family in the medical stuff. but a new arrival in a very uncertain world. tony chilling out, is there a high end state me and and then in the side of our special points from inside me and my attorney will meet some of the people who flat the military turns, his new conscription will and they've chosen instead to fight against them i would take you to chad,
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now i have poles of opened for its 1st presidential election since the military came to power 3 years ago. people are voting to replace the transitional council. then candidates are running for the top job, including mohammed interest. they be who let the military takeover opposition groups of honest people to boy called the election saying the process was not fast on sunday, members of the security forces and the champions, a broad cost that ballots unless the abraham course on me is the president of the patriarchy asi, that's the office, dition, and chad, and joins me now. tell me about your policies, participation in this election, and what some of you will follow as a saying to you. okay, the country that i'm sure what are the 0. we have a position for the taking part to suddenly a product of a group that could be part also. uh, in friendship little bit concerned. gosh, or does that kind of put a take on? we are the only, but it's a good force in existence. inkjet today,
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and we have called the judge and people to banquet this in action until i was staying from boarding. why you all seen them to boy caught the election, abstain because this election is a shot, it's a fraud. it's, it's, it's, uh, i'm election that we do not as he does from spot on to credible enough. some aid has to be in the design and conducted by the system on the supporters and those international organization and countries to impose a dictatorship to impose the transmission or diagnostic transmission. or the following chapter is what they try giving people ones. and they look for we have no outage. ready but sausage idea and so i've stated on to banquet this election, i'm not to participate because it will not bring to judge what the judge young people aspire for. what the charging people want. but how can you claim to speak for 17, many and people in chad are okay, we're not,
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we're not here to determine the intention of those 17 people and 17000000 people. and we have know 17000000 people this distance out on the line. and what is that doing today? we have more than 25000000 people, the job, how we determine what they want. we are attacking the process of this election. this what we call out on organized caves. because the how much the 3 d. b, a is a john to kevin to about the situation of the cold, utah, and he organized what people here. he shot the national interest dialogue. and this national dialogue was only a few years organized by the system to continue on meditation. the previous system they have uh created about visitation of 92 percent and from the support those of his father stop the which is the about 3 up they started. ready the movement boxes and out of this and national dialogue, he decreed at national assembly, or what we call the national transitional counsel at an institution acts as
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a found amount on the phone. i mean, the method, the no, i understand, i understand what you're saying, that the situation in the country has been that there is a military governments that has been in power. and this election is going to be very closely watched because it could mock and, and the transition to the country and transition from democracy. it could essentially formalize the military's hold on power. but all the people who believe that this government could bring some form of stability and security for them. so is this the editors for that other full that i can give you? is today's election, today's election has been a bundle. and by clicking on that, i mean, i haven't visited more than sort of the eh, pulling stations today. and those more than the service station i have seen only 11 pointing solution to people who are voting and then other about sitting people
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waiting. so that the judges people have, they have both pointed dissemination on the pools is even more than that. i'm not getting blanketed with 6 percent participation of the child yet. so they show us that the child getting people tired of this government. i'm tired of this system and they need attempted and then for the vision of the child young people to get rid of the system. it's not something that need. ready to prove it, or it's not something that we need to present, the evidence is clear on. it's clear from that option is clear from the cry, and it's clear from the suffering that the charging people have done. so for the last 3 years of this transition, we're going to keep a close eye on what happens there and chatting continues to cover the story for now and that's so abraham close on me. thank you for joining us. thank you very much. i selected for you on the news our season. these people tend to banking apps to get a cache as the war tons, banks into rubble. the
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quality time in the portuguese capital is forcing lisbon funds celebrate that teams . tobin coming up and support with john the the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the point now with john moran. thank you. not doing our assess, he's arguing, made enough to winning his 1st formula, one grand prix. the bird to strive it took advantage of a safety caught in miami to take victory ahead of well tramping max this step and
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they started as the action of the 8 2nd place, finishes lando norris finally got the job done. the 24 year old. great. celebrate to these 1st winning if one is if he won the championship finally i've and i managed to do it. so i'm, i'm so happy for formality am i funny to leave it for them and yeah, long dates of race. but i'm finally on top. so i'm, i'm ever the main as always in miami, the celebrities were out in force from popstars to presidents. and they look to say that begin for another fish step and procession out on track the dutchman to one the last 2 races in the city and go to a clean from pole ending 1st between 6 races. but the 3 tumble of champion made a red mistake on let 21. when he hit the ball out and damaged his car, he didn't go to lucky when a bigger collision further down the field, brought out the safety car. it's allowed notice to pick the perfect time and get
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back out ahead of the step and notice it finished on the podium 15 times without the victory moving any of the driver. but he held off the stipend for 20 full laps pulling clear in his maclaren to win by 7.6 seconds. a lot of people, i guess out to me along the way i made a little mistake, serve in my last 5 is my cell korea. but uh, today we put it all together, services all full for the team. i talked with mclaren because i keep leaving them and i did leave and i'm, and today for the executive, if a bad day is a fee to i, i take it right. and i'm very happy with, well, i know it's been a long time coming and it's not going to be as well. sorry. it's a popular and unexpected result and meet the dominance of read both. but it has little impacts on the championship, the step and it's still $34.00 points clear. the top is f one, no hits to m. look to the media of ammonia, crump free david stokes,
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which is 0 on sundays nascar race and kansas. so the closest finish in the series history, kyle loss and came around the outside of chris bush. the push out on the finer lot voice the finish line. oh boy. yes, i had that larson is coming. it's like the kentucky derby. oh no, it's worse than just to thousands of the 2nd separation of the to drive is but it was lawson who came out with the when it can even have lives as far as the eastern conference semifinals after running from 18 points down against the orlando magic and the series decide to donovan mitchell. let them to victory was $39.00 of which the for towards the top $11.00 or $6.00 to $94.00 in game 7 is the 1st playoff series. when in 6 years. and they'll visit the top, seated, boston celtics, and game one of the conference, semi finals on tuesday. they're gonna be better. you know me and i hate to be that guy, but like, you know, this was great. this is phenomenal, as, as
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a great when great series, great test for us mentally physically, but you know, we can and we will have to be better to be, to be boston or the defending stanley cup champion, vegas all night. got out of the n h l. playoffs. the series with the dallas stalls went down for the sliding game 7 rather expects the brook baton in the 3rd period on his return from injury. when it's 21 saw 2 of a substitute in the west will play the colorado avalanche 2nd round by labor case and a now just 2 games away from becoming the 1st team. and boom, just make a history to go in and tie a seasoned and beaten coat. chevy, alonzo. i was serving a one much touch line suspension. so watch the game with frank foot from the stand french. i have put navy piecing ahead with the right strike. german champions went on to win $51.00 and make it $48.00 games on beach and then competitions that each has been seek has 50000000 year old european. my quote from last night to defeat was late decreasing will be playing at the time beesley, next season,
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scotland types of join in a hanging by a thread of producing to the full homicide. i put the head side in front of the school, 3 more goals. how the elliots, the best of the lots, upside went full and a lot with an hour gone. but i was told a couple of those facts, but it was the soonest we'll see later, finish for 2. second, please. mac inputs from thousands of spoofing list been funds took to the streets of the capital to celebrate this side winning the country's top divisions. fulton claims that 20th premera you got a title with 2 games. display is the 2nd time in 4 years that they've been crowns. champions, washington is play under a group that has co pays madrid open when the proud is talking of his career. the 7 seed almost pulled out. so the tournament suffering what he said was the west
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illness of his life. and he needed one of his toys became inflamed box. why do i sound like those it earlier in the final to came to 16 level type. not one but 2 high run. so show, hey, a tiny on sunday is the japanese. so let the lakedale just to a 5. when of at the atlanta braves with full hit comes, it was the 21st multi home again with the judges on the 17th of his 3 judges. sweeping the 3 game series with the break is the 9th of action that the world athletics relays in the bahamas is the host country book. this book, the person in picks to name the widow and create her team to victory in the full by 400 meter mixed relay books. one, i made history by becoming the 1st african seemed to an immense sprint relay at the rentals of qualifying for the games in the full by $400.00. it was the usaa you showed, they'd be the ones to be to the relays in power sweeping for the fly finals. which means we buy $100.00 teen brooks,
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that own 10 year old championship rent codes in the heat, and mail teammates just missing out on the mock, but also change the way. all right, that is a useful for now. pizza will have more lights, us, moran. thank you joe. so that would turn quickly to suit don, because the financial institutions in the capital of been destroyed as a result of fighting between the army and the pilot 3 rapid support forces. this has made it difficult for people still trapped in a hard to to get money while the price is a basic commodities have skyrocketed. maddie attending to apps instead to get that money able moving reports on this now. somebody. yeah, the law has come to this shop and on demand incidents capital for to not only to buy goods, but to get cash. she says it's the only way she can get some money from her bank account. after fighting between the sudanese army and the power military rapids
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support forces led to the destruction of many banks and how how are you still online banking up because there is no way to pay for bread or groceries unless i transfer money to the shop or here and then get cash from him. know everyone has to up, for example, the movement i'm the grossest doesn't have it. so i have to come here, buy things, and transfer extra to get cash. the conflict which spotted more than a year ago has seen the destruction of looting, of many banks in the capital. those who can have relied on online banking apps to access their much needed savings as the prices of goods continue to rise online banking. many parts of the capital and several states are experiencing an internet black here looks like which has made it hard for millions across the country to get cash to buy their savings. the destruction of financial institutions has led to the loss of millions of put in these pounds are further limits in people's ability to access cash,
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even in safe areas. the state bank of hearts who has recently opened a branch and undermine. and that's been helpful for many, which is to provide full services when the consensus dose of the role of stated on demand to get money from my relatives abroad. so having access to my account is crucial that i couldn't get cash from the bank yet, but i can use other services. this case type of things may improve. banks here say they're working to provide services to their clients. but for now, the easiest way to do that is through the app. the data that are online app is the most used in sudan with over $50000000.00 transfers per month, including from outside the country and safe states. we provide full services, but we're striving to provide those services in the capital as well so that people don't risk their lives to go to other states to access their funds while banks try to find ways to provide services to their clients. so maria says she will continue
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to rely on shops to be able to access her account and by what she and her family need able morgan onto 0 on through man. and that wraps up 1st news out, but i'll be back in a moment with more of the daisies for you, the calling attention to any quality pollution meant. extrajudicial killings in kenny is low income communities site. one brother was killed by police. the dentist that we faced, but the one past one day, an organizer on the rapper. how old are these people from the begun supplementing buffer then it has been put on the bus that hit the button. generation change, can you change? he's coming is no doubt about it on a dizzy the humanity has opened, the gates of hell or in those seats is having orlando's effects. as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity,
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a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake, the tools to adjust the hundreds of officers closing in on the area where the students have been protesting against israel for them guys for almost 2 weeks, they also want the university to stop investing in companies. they say profit from east rails war. some of the students tried to prevent the police from entering the university, one by one, they were arrested. the police then rated hamilton on their objective to detain. the students who had fabricated themselves inside. they broke a window and entered view of the 1st story. galesburg, capital capital. the students were evicted from the holy. johnson's were arrested. even the students that was obtained. nobody is resting,
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and we will not stop until columbia and columbia university is a place that inspired a movement across the united states to demand an end to the world. got her. many of the students would have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next, the students of columbia university have already made history. the scenes of extreme desperation, tens of thousands of palestinians are being pushed down to the eastern rock of to israel. want of an imminent ground attack. the hello, i'm marianne. minimize the, this is alger 0, live from del, how also coming up on the program is really as drawings intensify across cause it


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