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tv   People Power A Crude Mistake P2  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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she and her family are also displaced from the home that took them 7 hours to get to the clinic. she did my lot, we had to carry her with a hammock there, around 8 people carrying her down the mountain. then we took a car along the rough jungle road. it was so difficult. we didn't know how to relieve her pain. they put her on a trip, but there's only so much the doctor could do. he's worried the long jenny may have home the expecting mother. and the baby inside very quickly, the child is blown, but it's not breeding. its skin color is turning purple. the doctor quickly gets to work as vital seconds take away. and then the sounds everyone's been hoping to hear smiles and really for the family in the medical stuff. but a new arrival in a very uncertain world. tony chilling out, is there
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a high end state me i'm in the 3rd of our special reports from inside me and more. tony chang will meet some of the people who are flooding the military, john to the new conscription law and chosen instead to fight against the streets in the brazilian city port to allegro. it have been turned into a river is due to flooding on a scale that hasn't been seen in brazil before. so far. 78 people have been killed . dozens are missing and around 115000 people have been forced to leave their homes in brazil, southern states. we are run data sol infrastructure, including roads and bridges, and electricity lines has also been destroyed. panama is electoral authority, has declared jose, i wouldn't really know the winter of sundays presidential election. he maintained a comfortable lead ahead of the 7 other candidates with lino entered the race of the last minute to replace the former president ricardo marston. nellie was disqualified. election took place against the backdrop of social discontent,
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economic slowdown and droughts, a man. and just before we let you go, reminder we're keeping a very close eye on this. these are life pictures of the french president, the mentor and mccall, who is hosting the chinese president shooting thing at the french president shall palace. we'll have our correspondence of. she's been following the talks to give us details on what is being said right now, that will be in the next hour of news analysis era. all right, so right now that does it for me. there's more information as always on our website options here and i'll come up next is people empower. we're back at the top of the, of the in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2, remain on the lounge. i just placed it in a fluid. now i didn't this see,
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they are literally the sense of taking time on 101 east meets the solomon islands some time to escape a war that ended decades ago on the germans of 2023 un climate conference. delegates agreed to the establishment of a loss of damage fund a form of a country affected by climate change. the critics of it falls, falls short of what is needed. and that's put the spotlight back on the development between the global move lot you responsible for the excess global carbon emission and the expiration of developing countries in the south facing the worst effects in talked to last special investigation, people empower, examine what this means for you can, which is the backend of all projects,
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surprise, well face and criticism over the environmental and human rights in the in december 2023 and due by company 28, came to an end within this story could be that the world needs to transition away from fossil fuel and even protest is demanding an end to global inequality. and so some progress with the creation of an lawson damage funding for the countries worst affected by the time of prices. we shouldn't be proud
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of our historic achievement, but there was a caution agreement and agreement is only as good as it is. that is a problem because the few rich nations seem willing to come back on extraction that the fossil fuels which created their wealth. and at the same time, their support for the loss of damage fund remains deeply inadequate. and the current pledges are miniscule compared to what is needed not failure is left many countries at the global side of looking for other ways to finance their development . and perhaps that is why exploration for new oil and gas reserves is currently going on in at least $45.00 of the $54.00 countries of africa. but as many as the global south nations have discovered, finding the oil is the easy been holding onto the profits more difficult. the
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problem is that that reliant, unavailable north finance and global knowledge corporations in order to expedite as resources. and these companies are fundamentally driven by, by profit, by their margins and not the development of global. so the countries and all too often, oil comes with another den site, just task this month. and manual toner, it's with these extended family in the albertine region. if you gun to where they rely on the crops, they grow for food and a small income. but now the family has a new done welcoming neighbor. this is total energies massive use, central processing facility or cps, with crude oil from the to length. all fields will be processed before being placed on woods via the east african crude oil pipelines, to the coast of tens in the great exports abroad. but in march 2023,
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i want to run off from the c b s. so i did the manuals cross destroying them, the plug, scoffed x, put them yes, on the passing that through our alarm, this is the s about nama, be destroyed by that blood. it is over the destroyed where the mid day also when emmanuel says total fail to pay compensation or take effective steps to stop the funding. he says he was told he could not be the spokes pass for the family because his elderly mother is a officially acknowledged project. effective person or pop built him. if you have 90 people in your home, but they're seeing out one head is the one that would be before d for it up to 50 percent for the manual and his family. this is not just a bureaucratic inconvenience. it's a disaster. yeah. living like
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a rods who would not know maybe to model. yeah, it and when it is 2nd has come, because we don't have money gotten out down the di starting in april 2023 to tell was sent or copied into a series of letters complaining about the damage statement to us to tell say they replied to a lesson from in manually august 4 months later, promising an investigation to find the thing claim. they say that since then and manual and his family have declined to respond to communities, claims denied by the family. to tell, say they remain open to engagements with the family to resolve the issue that they are committed to developing a solution to the flooding and the following. a study to water retention funds know, being constructed,
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but then it all happened again to be a part of the process. uh my daughter is uh, being 2 seconds away by the water just on the road fridge valley can its, with his wife and 10 children. the 2018 fridge was told he must make way for a well pad. one of 30 plan to the area. i don't know if i school instruct in my house. you finish up. our kids are when you leave school, you the site. but to tell didn't wait, they brought to the machine, putting down different things, which was he a lot of noise. the. the contract is clear, fred slammed the trees and bushes which provided firewood between these 2 picks. we can reach around for food and think close to some with not one,
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but 2 separate fences on the roads way uh, blocked my pizza di as well. so. so my income, my children, they are not long of going to school, except that the person is not being supposed to be treated like insulated. was it like this? i'm not going to. this is my house. i looked for money. i knew i knew to this house and so no, just stay all night to town says they didn't gauge minute with fred begun in june 2021. producing new house was completed by december 2022 and he was offered 10 pre accommodation. in the meantime, but the t not refuses to move base a, he's being paid compensation and could increase the cost of assets disturbance allowance for the to use the late the process of resettlement. they claim the fences were installed for the families safety to protect them from construction
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works. then it's got a, i'm throwing away in on an hour and i was expecting by now i'll be by the you can see some of the month was before we had arranged to conduct an interview with xfinity details, general manager and uganda. but his office canceled the day before and referred us to the global headquarters in paris when we weren't able to interview the company's kind of space to think a spokesperson shackle marciello. we met project directive people who talked about the ladies in getting you hers to a 2 year, sometimes denied that compensation to nice human rights that kind of intimidation issues. i was there, i went and you're going to what i'm talking about through god that it is not talking about the to have done that because of just. busy some documents i wanted to discuss with the people affected by as a product. and i saw how the oil such as higher waves is we're getting you offices as easily as access to electricity access to what i did. because we have people who
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else reporting buys a product of. so for a, for example, for this goes to, we've almost did you by any chance meet the phone. so it was negative 26 acres of that, of course of a did you by any chance, meet a woman who i've seen in your publicity to me it has to be easy because we met them as well and they will feature in our film. we then went back and met ordinary people and it would be such a people sitting in front of us and i'd say i a 3 comes with the same offer for the me. oh shante. no, no, no, no, we're not for because i was finishing good. somebody something so i had the opportunity to discuss with a lot of people and not to i was talking about people that took the advisor project, but so we'd say you've got them people, you know, and full for them. it is an opportunity for them. and it is an important sioux falls, a country. unfortunately, some opportunities, like a provision of a network of new own roads are actually bad news for locals. some be
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constructed to me, i think the visual under yet does not receive compasses showing not only little by the with him and the facility, the rigs, the point where each gun or something that somebody is land is a fixed it. and he's not recognized as it project affected bus one, that kind of company, which he has is 2 or 3 meters from the road. people who are on the roads. a way of going see that does project affected by sons. i have not the breaking into a regular programming with breaking news here. a leading a mazda official has total balance is 0, that the group has now accepted a ceasefire proposal put forward by egg addiction and category mediators. mediators have been scrambling to negotiate a ceasefire. deal is israel threatens an offensive and gaza southern city of rasa. no later than this morning, israel asked a 100, told 800000 palestinians living in the eastern rafa to evacuate the area. we're
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going to get over the next few hours as much as we can about this as much as we can understand and know about this, where we are right now. to repeat it, you're just joining us is that i'm us has communicated that it is accepting a ceasefire proposal. and it has said this to the 2 main negotiators, which are guitar and egypt. as you know, negotiations have been taking place recently, india gyptian capital cairo atara cobbler zoom is joining us from inside the gaza strip. you're in rafa park. first of all, are you hearing anything on your end about this? yes, yeah we do is that that's how much movement has told you 0 that they have agreed on the ceasefire proposal being initiated by the region on the day just including egypt cut off the uh the the heads of the tape of the book because bureau is maria has been calling the heads of these egypt sin,
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intelligence informing and delivering the positive response from the movements regarding the proposal being initiated by the egyptian authorities. now clearly as a result of that decision, palestinian as a base here is a non some and i must say has been setup right thing that a b announcement was a play, a positive step being taken from the palestinian side as they are completely happy that this step kept hills to prevent a potential military, encouraging for rough my district. now people right now here are certainly happy and there is a great sense of optimism among them as they are shown. think that it's time right now to return its time right now. who sees fly, that's is right now, the situation in a roughly this area that has been widely attacked since the early hours of this morning. now what we do also among residence is uh there are so optimistic. i'm happy about the steps as they are waiting for of the information from the is very
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side about the possibility to approach to a ceasefire. deal as they are completely depends, right now on the efforts being made by original mediators a bridge the gap. so this agreement with how much time is valid in life of their own going home to get to tar here. all right, so the 2nd part are within the coming dollars a day. okay. tara, to help us help us taking the scene around you because i'm, i'm hearing car horns. i'm hearing people shouting, i'm hearing what sound like scenes of elation and happiness. take a moment to look around, you listen to what people are saying. what, what, what exactly are, are they sharing? what are the thoughts ensures that they're sharing? yeah, yeah, now people here, as i can submit to see right now because my mind is moving, the camera is up. people all set up right now are set up right thing in the entire
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vicinity all the way to the hospital. they are so happy about that set that has been taken by the palestinian side by how much movement regarding their acceptance to these these for agreement. now, what we do here from residence is that they are strong thing for the, the start john, thing for the read time. you can right now see how people all set up, right? and you can see children, you can see how the people, the young man, some things on. so excited about the announcement of his step by my side that been in fact on the why. it's a tough within the past couple of weeks and days. and they are right now where everyone, including the children, are happy about that step because should believe that russell invasion will bring home speak of the monetary and productive a few words. a black box will be shit, but now there are certain optimistic ends up was simply no longer watch a for the in the past couple of days. but now with this announcement,
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the situation on the ground sounds really optimistic about this. a as they are waiting to hear the announcements as soon as possible, i'm sorry. do you think you're able to speak to anybody around you? go ahead, take your time and, and you can translate to us. if you don't speak english, do you think you can speak to the people around you so that we can, we can hear their thoughts and reaction the now i want to be promising and everyone is there just crazy about this. instead of being taken as deep, i appreciate you so much. there's a great sense of toughness right now among those people like twice within to come and go is to bring me palestinians to speak about how they evaluate this a step on the grounds. target area where you are is you've been there for a few weeks now. you've been pushed south multiple times since the beginning of
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this conflict. this is one of the last areas where, you know, so many palestinians have been displaced to and we're hoping it would be safe. but as we've reported, countless times hasn't been safe and rough. it continues to be struck. right now i see people running around the streets and i see more people around you than i've seen in, i think weeks. what does that tell us? as well as generally, the vast majority of gods of population. an uh rough uh are completely, i expect i do experiencing heavy bombardment from loans um sleep as they have been going through really difficult. wait spot, this announcements right now to try to send you an ease that's going to of bringing a sense of relief on to an qualities among palestinians that be much witnessed. and for the fight thing, they are really believing that these ongoing mounting pressure by the american administration of my regional mediation,
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can be to still be conflict between our mazda and isabel. they are still exists because they have to completely traumatized and the posts of the past couple of months. um they were all the time asking about the time for the ceasefire. right now. was the 1st time ever you have been hearing unofficial to information from homicides regarding the ceasefire agreement. there are absolutely semester, as they believe that this step will definitely reduce the cops of minutes on this uh, disagreement with how my son is around to, to help to contribute to increase the possibility for approaching to us these 4 agreements within the 1st single future. all right, can i, can i ask you? are you feeling right now because you're your reporter? yes. and you give us the faxes dispassionately and objectively as you can and you've been doing this for months. but you're also a palestinian living in garza who's in yourself in danger. you've had to be
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displaced and you've had to move your family and your relatives to multiple times. how do you feel right now, hearing that a mouse has accepted a c supply proposal as well? yes, we do believe is best. we have been completely on the in terms of football and we have been getting really difficult time losing the ground whose best place to send you into our are simply the sort of great things, the chosen women of the land, everyone in the palace, the name to be anything that is an opportunity to get a sense of relief and even mitigation about this. and in order to know more about this, where it joins right now, quite a palestinian man who will speak about how the situation and how this. i find that announcements will really present a means for palestinians that we cannot be. i show you how do you see um,
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what do you think of this announcement by how much would the garza to accepting the egyptian propose and for the seas file that you have now with this is really no. i was on the hopefully they would pay the weight for the retained to guys are in new timber there that probably expect to that being what they are now to or a swap deal out a declination of ceasefire. we hope we know by law would facilitate this on with attend our homes and ship. where did you move from? i am from the gods itself. good. how does that make sense? there? then what would you like to go back after the analyses file? what do you sell to the world? my message is that i hope that we have the patients and retained to guys tend to take another one right now. you have taken off. yeah, she share your head that they're not in the how do you see this announcement by how
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mazda about this, these fly are, 1st of all, praise be to i love that they didn't engage rough. uh huh. and we 3 the people of guys, the full days safety. and we would like to send to those who stood by our side done by guys. how would you like to go back to where you, where to remove the drum? yes. that a she bought it on i am from a rough ha. the others are now we are going to take another promising young man. um like how do you see this kind of announcement? but i must son. it's very important for i want to ensure a boost. the boss gives us that we want to issue the ticket. the technician knows just for material, for that we must just start getting to, to have been done to problems out, assign local vision for some of the merchants. who cares about suicide or not?
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we must fish, i get, i do see that. as i mentioned this, there's science. it's going to charge me this. this is the money sign by the 14th. why is the middle? oh no, we don't. you don't use that use because just have to validate it here. a better line is not it should have been for us for that receipt. is this you said right of both of us are to back to a lot of houses in the, in the guys out right now is the worst of uh, it just said yeah, i'll want to be there. so yeah, very sad news in these to this bought this evening probably so now. uh we see that majority of one of our view board money for the job. and do you expect that you will return back to your house in the north,
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the gaza strip when the ceasefire will be announced? oh, we hope that the apartment is get back to the house. is this very important phone to send uh, just the notice of guests. uh, it says that it did just one of them on the floor. i wonder if you charge for that . we owe to the bill. they get that universe. if is our water search on it, missing the sorry, it is definitely just start to uh, rebuild the us. thank you so much for your time and we are going to take another palestinian young man to ask him about his impression about this announcements from how much i know. how do you see this announcement from us regarding their agreements on the approval for the seas file? okay, 1st of all, thank you mr. talk to having read this to you. i wanna say that we see so heavy that part of the how much has agreed about the about the ceasefire, but now we are waiting for
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a lease agreement and we hold that they will say it's out to 212 days of genocides, of displacement of killing children and women, and i don't even know because on doctors it's not about genocide. so i think it's about time that we have shown the will have to buy nothing. this will because it, so just so well, wow, what is your, your own problem sitting here that someone from the want to, i guess upon the city and feeling does all gather so small, but yeah, we have to bar the 12 days from the most. i've gone slick nicole with arms against us. we will not forget my forget everything we have witnessed in this world. history. we will say about our to our freedom. freedom here. do you want to return back to the house that you were displaced from? of course, if we tell them what's,
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what's the purpose of our. 7 human, someone lands not to buy to do we have subarus calls reasons. thank you so much for your valuable time, and that's how thomas city and see children. young people elderly are really seeing this announcement being made on the approval being made by the mazda movement side does. everyone is really domestic about the next 2 steps that might be taken within the common dollars regarding the arrival to a cease fire to cease by agreement that we know how much on israel that will help to print and who the hot shift some full kind of misery palestinians have been going through the time you're, you'll see these guest who's making a very, very important point at this particular point in time. a mazda is accepted. they say that they've accepted this the supplier proposal by deploying by egypt. we need
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now to hear from israel. i mean, israel has signaled and it's 5 minutes or his signal multiple times that they were going to invade. ross, come, what may dealer know deal. so, you know, we need to know, we don't have a full picture of what is actually what we're actually looking at and what really is happening right now until we hear from the is really side. so i just wanted to put that out there for you. the people you talk to and also for of yours, you know, who will be tuning in, trying to understand exactly what's going on. i want to ask you on this topic, you have lived through multiple wards with is real, have you ever seen? seems like the ones you are witnessing now. well, serial. personally i've been experiencing multiple was we're attempting about 2009 aggression on the gaza strides to 2012, including 2014, which was really lucky for me. the 2021 escalations in 2022 and right now 2023,
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which from my own side is considered to be the plot. the use of most of my house. i've lost my entire city that has completely turned into vile abruptly. we have been talking about being internally displaced for multiple times from a city to another in order to guarantee the full safe to my to on my personal level . and also on my family level. we have been talking about that we have been on shows that different kinds of attacks from sometimes see as we have been lucky to survive to this very moment as the dog has a split has been on the wide military offensive since october the south. if now, we personally have been doing the test and it will take hold to say to research in this we will sounds completely different in terms of the unprecedented table destruction being closed. and the entire goal is to sell it to the point that the number of death to oppose the gaza strip is incredibly high,
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where it says not more than 34500 out of city in spring hill to now would move that $70000.00. how the city is happening to them that didn't happen in any kind of the previous rounds of escalation, and how much is the cost to the bus, the majority of palestinians, the p. c. because we're looking to live peacefully in trying to see a vast majority of us right now have been exhausted. some good looking to tennessee or just around a flight sees that through through an engine side for it. now with the was it was things from us slides we have been having move, please speak to about the initiative being taken from the top of the inside. the vast majority of palestinians are waiting for the information from the is where the site in order to get to a full size of a 3 minute read from us and as well just to bring them in the 1st type of keys and to make a decision a whole minute to add that to bring nothing to the ground, the only destruction.


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