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tv   KRON 4 News at 10am  KRON  May 6, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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kron. 4 morning news. 2 people are in the hospital with life-threatening injuries after a stabbing in san jose waymo gets the green light to drive more cars throughout the bay area. >> could be more proud announce today record breaking tourism numbers in the state of california. >> and governor newsom a top the golden gate bridge with a big announcement about california being tops for tourists. >> from the game, local news station, you're watching you. morning team. >> good morning and thanks for waking with us on a monday. we are starting off this whole. >> month of may wacky way. all say john, between the snow, the rain, the cold, the wind
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and now i guess sunshine things going to warm up. i know, right? we've got all the variety already. and we're just a few days and >> we have been looking at forecast lately that has just been so much cooler than average for may. and today is still going to be a cool one. but that warming trend is seen across the rest of the forecast today. lots of sunshine. it's cool. sunshine, though. sunshine here from the coast to our inland areas and temperatures now barely cracking into the 60's. brett, what you're at 62, san mateo, 59 right now. we will be looking at a mild afternoon ahead of us. very similar to what we had yesterday. you can see here at sfo looks good. daytime highs will be in the 60's from the coast to our inland areas. she's actually well below average for this time of year. i'll be talking eventually some 80's in this forecast. still to come during a. >> thanks a lot, john. it's 10. 0, 1, in the east bay, oakland, police are investigating shooting. a person was shot and killed near lake merritt. and this is
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video from the citizen app. this shooting happening around noon yesterday on first avenue. we don't know the name of the person who was killed at the same time in the same area. there was a driver in a crash in the parking lot. there. and america's best value on east 12th street. police have not said if the shooting in a crash are somehow connected. in oakland. police caught one person for planning to take part in a sideshow. last night they shared this video on photos to on x saying this driver was identified as a side show promoter and they were arrested for recklessly evading police. they have additional units out and and they did last night to break up any sideshows that might pop up. and arson investigation is underway because of a fire that destroyed the horn. barbecue and oakland, just a few days before thanksgiving last year. and since then, the owner, matt horn has maintained his restaurant was targeted by
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arson and officials are now confirming that that fire and barbecue was deliberately set. but we don't know who did it yet. they're investigating. meantime, horn barbecue reopen last week in a new spot. their other restaurant maddie's, all fashion is in downtown oakland. so and things are back up and running for horn barbecue. one person was killed in a crash. several cars crashed in san jose. police are investigating. now what happened? this was one in the morning yesterday were several cars crashed on highway 101, near north mathilda avenue and one person was killed. the southbound lanes of 101 where it happened was shut down for about 3 hours. we don't know the identity of the victim. cinco de mayo was yesterday. there are a lot of celebrations all around the bay for the most part, peaceful and lots of fun in downtown san jose. we were there to capture what happened from project moment as a report. >> easily more than 1000
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people paraded through the streets right here in downtown san jose along cesar chavez plaza to celebrate cinco de mayo. but things here in san jose didn't totally go off without a hitch center that police had to detour section of santa clara street. what they want >> with a long before san jose police did toward this section of santa clara street claiming sideshows took over the area after an afternoon of cinco de mayo celebrations. the road backed up with burnouts honking, cheering. but earlier in the day, both what they want to play do, >> the we say really have you know, marco scalp on a san jose born and raised says he's happy the city is working to put a bigger cinco de mayo celebrations every year. >> you know my today's the day, you know, we're like all the
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>> gather not they would like. and all the political. >> music and food. and the silva camp to cinco de mayo at cesar chavez plaza to sell her jewelry. and so san jose's come a long way and how it that way. it. >> all the >> it's guys today. >> as though for everybody else out about >> they >> now that detour on santa clara street bystanders police cars, a backup of cars for at least several hours where downtown san jose job moment kron 4 news. >> and while the celebrations
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were happening in one case, there was a double stabbing on the east side of san jose on cinco de mayo. 2 people are in critical condition. and as you can see, the roads were shut down in this downtown area as a response. police shutting down sideshows investigate that double stabbing that happened around 5.30, in the area of south king road and way. one person who was there yesterday talk to us about frustrating. >> wouldn't say i'm not phase, but is is just part of life. and, you know, unfortunately things like that happen that people do do things that are reported it. but i don't think the majority other people should suffer it at the scene where the mile. god bless and protect those people that were hurt. >> police have not released information yet on the attacker. 10, 0, 6, in a big story. after months of controversy, waymo is driving to the peninsula. the company soon going to be in testing
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its driverless cars and 7 bay area cities and kron four's will tran is live in burlingame with more. hi, will. >> this is one of the city's story of the other cities millbrae south san francisco daly city, just to name a few waymo is going way more south down the peninsula and a lot of people don't like it, but they have the green light from the state. the california public utilities commission as well as the dmv. they, of course, are the state. and they say it's ok for them to go ahead and go down to the peninsula. despite a couple of counties, including san mateo and santa clara counties. not too happy about that. as far as san mateo county, they did not want waymo to be in this location for several reasons, including they don't think it's safe not to mention if you are in san francisco and you have to go down to say burlingame or sam, a tail, obviously, oftentimes you will have to hit the freeways and
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they just don't think it's safe for a driverless car to go freeway speeds. and if there's an accident, of course, it is horrific. they were hoping to get local jurisdiction to let the individual counties to site same as say duryea. you might get the driver's license from the state, but it's burlingame that decides the speed limit for certain amoent of stretch or certain area like that's local jurisdiction right now, county and santa clara counties don't have local jurisdiction, which is why waymo is going down to the peninsula with a caveat. well, it will start in a couple of weeks, but it will be only employees of waymo enough all goes well. there's a good chance the public will hop into a driverless a taxicab. and asked me a little bit earlier duryea what i do that the answer is absolutely not. i would rather ride just curious about your answer. >> i haven't been won. from what i understand, people
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rather be one of those. then in my car with me driving. you can write yes. thank you. >> some appear on the iconic golden gate bridge, a testament to america's greatness. california's greatest. we could be more proud announce today. record breaking tourism numbers in the state of california over 150 billion dollars tourism. spend unprecedented in our state's history. but tourists are allow where the governor just made that big announcement about tourism dollars. wow. he was high. >> the golden gate bridge, a beautiful sight to say that california has boosted tourism in great numbers. tourists have spent more than 150 billion dollars in california in this past year. surpassing the 144 billion dollar record. we set in 2019. so tourism is actually better now than it was before the pandemic. governor newsom says also the state is retaining its title as the 5th biggest economy in the world.
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california constitutes the bis 5th biggest economy in the whole world. and our population is growing for the first time since covid broke out. according to latest data to the travel industry support about 1.2 million jobs last year, which is up 6% and tour is created about 4% more revenue in 2023. and spent about 5% more. now the governor did make the big announcement in san francisco on the golden gate bridge. but san francisco has not seen the same recovery like we have in the rest of california. san francisco made more than 13 billion dollars on tourists in 2023, which is a billion more then the year before. but it's a billion shy of the prepaid to pandemic record, which was set in 2019. and that was 14 billion dollars. happening right now. it's the first day of the rsa conferences going on right now in san francisco at the moscow knee center. it's an annual
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cybersecurity conference. it's 4 days long. today's the first day, speakers include officials from google, secretary of state antony blinken and a special performance by alicia keys. may is asian american pacific islander heritage month and over the weekend, a korean american nonprofit celebrated 10 years and they had a fundraiser. the korean american, the community foundation of san francisco had there hannah lot last night at the ritz. the event raises money for translation services and grocery deliveries for elderly korean americans and scholarship funds for students. and this year it was recognized as judge lucy koh. they recognize or with the were. she's the first korean american woman to serve as a federal judge on the 9th circuit court in california. tune into kron 4 every thursday this month for stories highlighting the bay area's api community. and
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we'll also have our a 2030. you can always check that out. it's 10 11 right now. and still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, the campus protests around the country and the bay area continue. we're going to take a look at what the demonstrations are doing now. and a south bay city has a tip on how to conserve water as we head into conserve water as we head into the summer.
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right now you can get a free footlong at subway. just buy any footlong in the app and get one free. just scan the qr code and enter promo code flbogo it only works from the other side of the screen, buddy. you still got a land line in your house. order now in the subway app.
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in history, steve jobs introduced apple's first imac. and and iconic actor was born newsnation's markie. martin looks back. >> today is may 6 also known as national nurses day in
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1915, american baseball player babe ruth hit his first major league home run. the last episode of i love lucy aired an american actor. george clooney was born in 1987 mario and ready set a one lap speed record at indy coming in at 218. 0.2. '04, miles per hour carried and became the oldest nascar winner again. steve jobs introduced apple's first imac. okay get some coffee. and in 2004, more than 52 million people watched the final episode of friends air. >> drinking water week is underway in the city of santa clara is sharing some tips on how you can save water one way. rethink your landscaping around your house. only water from 06:00pm until 09:00am. if you live in santa clara, they're making you aware that outdoor watering is
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permanently banned. and santa clara between 09:00am and 06:00pm use water-wise plants, california native plants to reduce your water consumption and also fixing the leaks say you have a city can and take a quick shower. if that's possible, turn off the water to a brush or cheese are, you know, wash your face or shaving, just turn on splash on and off that kind of thing. we got a little water yesterday in the bay. boy, was that cold. john and i went sailing. that was fun. here's water in your i i there is salt on my i felt ready to date in the photos from the salt of the side. but hey, you know what? it was definitely a nicer one out there yesterday that it was on saturday, which was just cold and wet. >> it was nice to get that additional rainfall, golden gate bridge. nice and calm this morning. got all that sunshine out there. something that we are going to be seeing. plenty of in the rest of this forecast. if you like that cooler feel today tomorrow, definitely key days to get outside, especially inland that snow and rain may
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have worked its way out of the picture, but the cold is still pulled up behind the system. that same rain makers now working its way out into the central plains and resulting in potential of severe weather across much of the nation's midsection. in the meantime, back here at home, our forecast is really coming down and definitely warming up in the days to come with a gradual warm up throughout the course of the week. today's daytime highs are going to be in the 50's for a lot of the coast. definitely keep your jackets close to hand out that direction. where's the rest of us? very similar to yesterday landing in the 60's this afternoon, a comfortable range of numbers with that sunshine factored in, but definitely cooler than average for this time of year. we'll gradually see warming conditions. and that does mean for those of you inland, especially if you're not a huge fan of the heat today. and tomorrow's forecast are ones for you to enjoy before we have intially do see those 80's back inland by wednesday and even some 80's along the bay shore by thursday of this week. daria,
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thank you, john. 10:17am. >> and it is may is jewish american heritage month. the governor newsom says that. >> california actually has the second largest jewish population in the entire country. any wants to recognize the resilience. >> of the jewish people. he says his administration will invest in security for houses of worship and other cultural centers to combat hate crimes. and last night marked the beginning of show, which is holocaust remembrance day. see state senator scott wiener there. he was joined by community members last night at the san francisco june jewish community center to mark this occasion. and remember the 6 million jews and 1 million others who were killed and the holocaust. and you can see here people rallying to support the jews in lafayette on sunday,
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bringing attention to the 100 israelis and american israelis are held hostage right now by hamas in israel. the attendees say this is a recurring rally that they hold on highway. 24 on the overpass there, the american and israeli flags were held up in wasted there as well as the faces of some of those who have been held hostage. they these protesters, one, israel and hamas to reach a deal and bring the hostages home safely. those who are still alive and they are rallying for about 2 hours yesterday. >> is there is no more an why we now friday against my i said thousands as soon as possible. stop suggest
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>> and they were also out there was a gaoup rallying in berkeley on i-80 as well. san jose state students are planning a rally to support the palestinian people in this conflict. they want a cease-fire >> and they will be rallying on campus at about 12, 30 in the afternoon on thursday. likely not the first or last kind demonstration we will have seen on campuses as you know, we've seen the occupy campuses protests that are happening at san francisco state snow state, cao, stanford. and nationwide. those protests continue over the war, especially at college campuses. lawmakers on capitol hill are divided on how to handle unrest. our dc correspondent maddie beer-temple has more. >> both republicans and democrats, a violent protest is unacceptable, but they disagree over how president biden and some universities
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have responded. with graduation season under way. police are stepping in on some college campuses to clear encampments and break up clashes over the israel-hamas war. they should not have been allowed to fester on campus for 2 weeks. arkansas. a republican senator tom cotton told abc universities have been too slow to act. the liberal politicians refused to the police to clear them out the very first day the president addressed the protests at length for the first time last week. he denounced violence but said he supported peaceful protest. >> his campaign co-chair told cnn the president believes all students should feel safe. president's been very clear about this. he's also been very strong about the need to stamp out anti-semitism and islamophobia. but florida republican senator marco rubio told fox news the president's comments came to lead a 7 days into this crisis that we should heard from from the very beginning. while president biden said the protests have not affected his policy when it comes to the
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war in gaza, california, democrat congressman ro khanna told cbs he thinks the protests have made a difference. everyone from the president on down is aware that young people are upset at what's going on in the middle east tonight. i do think its head it awakening in washington that this war has to end. >> so far more than 2000 protesters have been arrested since these protests started in mid april. >> in washington, i'm maddie beer-temple. lawmakers and advocates are praising the passing of the new law. >> that aims to save lives in crackdown on fentanyl. recently, president biden signed the fend off fentanyl act that new law cracks down on criminal organizations from chemical suppliers in china to mexican cartels and they target manufacturers as well. bike targeting their financial assets. government data shows 80,000 americans died last year of an opioid overdose and
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many were related to fentanyl. it's 10. 22. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, program that helps kids stay fed over the summer. when tell you how you can. >> take advantit's 10 25 right
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now and play like a girl. more than 700 girls did. they played piedmont yesterday morning. >> for the play like a girl tournament. this is the 3rd time piedmont recreation has thrown this athletic festival. look, run around, run around while this prince in the drills. it's free and girls get to try out. 29 different sports is boxing. yeah.
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football. live football. roller derby. they get their look at. they're doing a with fencing, right? fencing. they meet pro athletes olympians lower here. skateboarding to give you the pads and everything which is great to speak up nobody gets hurt. the are excited about the big variety of sports that they get to do. this is live football. isis. >> she left everybody in the dust. the san francisco free summer meals program. >> is going to be up and running this summer, starting on june 10th through august, 16th, the kids under age 18 or via going to be able to get free breakfast and free lunch was normally, you know, just happens during the school year. this is you go to 75 their different location. 75 locations throughout the city that hand out. well, last summer, they handed out a 5,000 meals. so if you want to get in on that, go to our website at kron 4 dot com and you get all the information. sam's clubs. lance use artificial intelligence in their stores. there's a new ai
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powered system. they have to scan items in your basket before you walk out of the store and they also verify payment. they're going to do that to cut down on the wait times. this new technology is already in use in 20% of sam's locations. they should be rolling out at the rest of the sam's clubs by the end of the year. as 10. 26. and coming up next on the kron 4 morning news, an east bay restaurant has to shut down because of an infestation. and we're going to have. >> the pictures that the workers snapped themselves workers snapped themselves showing.
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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>> 10 29 right now and we are checking out the weather with john, our expert. everything you called was correct, john, i i love kind of knowing like at least a day ahead. i know things change. >> what's going to happen? i know i was at size. not a sprinkle saturday lows. serious rainfall. and yeah, it came down for sure. saturday felt a lot more like a day earlier this year like a march day rather than >> what should have been some nice, dry weather. if you're looking at the normal that we see in may, but it certainly was not that way today. we are seeing at least the clear skies, but we are staying cooler than average. can see that light breeze around kuwait tower in downtown san francisco. skies are nice and clear. but take a look at these temperatures right now. we're in the 50's for most areas, a few low 60's making their return. we're not going to get too much warmer than this today. despite all that sunshine, daytime highs are really going to max out in the 60's for most of the bay area. we do have a gradual warming trend after today. that will get us back to your average for this time of year. we'll
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talk all about that in your full forecast. back you. all right. thanks a lot, john. it's 10, 30 right now. students around the bay area are continuing their protests on campuses. >> supporting the palestinians in this war that continues in gaza and over the weekend, some encampments, well, they got rain that they had to recover from. but the question is what's next conference moment has more. >> well, some of the protests have been lasting for days, others weeks, but they're continuing to press forward here in the bay area with students wanting their schools to divest or be transparent about their financial ties with the nation of israel. but it may be quiet here in san jose state's campus. but pretty soon it may have its own protest as well. >> san jose's gearing up for graduation, but online, there's chatter about a pro-palestine protest happening on may. saw people next to help building just like painting a big sign. robert cleveland is graduating soon and says he supports the ongoing protests, possibly reaching his i feel like it needs to be i wasn't. it's not
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happening with the government. >> but >> i mean, we're we're the ones that contain everything. coming up, head north to palo alto. this group of students a pro-palestine protest camp out on their campus. but i that everything's good posters soiled by the recent rain. but what im pallets and tarps were able to keep students sleeping here. but friday evening, a counter-protester violated vigil of candles. students tell us they say police responded and took the counter protester away. kron 4 reached out to stanford pd but did not hear back and also give them some support for to know that other people also thinking about the moment live act lives in the area and donated supplies to stanford students. she says her daughters are part of the student encampments around the country and wants things to go peacefully. i will. they don't understand why we're fighting the students because all they're trying to ask for is for cease-fire back in san jose state. it's very like is very sad seeing it, especially when.
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>> the asked people. robert cleveland says he supports the cause of pro-palestine student protests. have you rethought about? >> i have. but my mom no, because you don't want and says he's looking forward to the possible protest this week. gen z and next group are going to be the future of the world, especially and we need to make a change now for not is not going to happen from the other san jose jack moment kron 4 news. >> and send it to east bay. oakland police are offering a reward for information on 2 homicides that happened about i year apart frog each other and they think they may be connected to each other. multiple suspects are connected to a homicide. that happened where henry 2 and deshaun roads were killed to shot was shot and killed on april 28th of 2020, their foothill and church. a great 2020 nissan armada with no license plates was seen pulling up to him and then he was shot multiple times. he
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was 23 years old. that car was later recovered. it was a rental from reno, nevada, and then roads was killed, shot and killed on 6/19/2021. so as a year later, lakeshore and brooklyn right in front lake merritt. and again, they're sinking. these cases are connected to anybody with information is asked to contact the oakland police. the man who had police in a standoff on friday on 80 in fairfield remains in critical condition this morning. the chp says he shot himself in originally they thought he had died. but dodgers were able to revive him at the hospital. the chase started in windsor where this man they say shot and an suv, a 101. now, luckily that driver was not hurt, but officers then spotted his car in rohnert park. they gave chase. he led them on interstate 80 and then to fairfield where the standoff started and ended the solano county da's office is now handling the investigation. now a story
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you'll see only in first here on kron 4 health inspectors shut down a mcdonald's in oakland investigating what appears to be a rat infestation. employees took pictures of the rats and less lagoon. tate gooden takes a look at them. you may find this difficult to watch. i was right in the parking lot of a mcdonald's located at 13, 30 jackson street in oakland. >> department employee started turning customers away who were inside and in the middle of the drive-thru. i asked what was the cause of the store closure. this was her response from the health department. they have some sanitation and they need to clean up. >> what did you find mind telling >> and this comes while 6 mcdonald's employees are actively on strike from this location due to what they say is an unhealthy working condition. now, take a look at this video captured inside by a worker where you can see a live rat on the counter. now
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the mcdonald's employees say they have found rat eating food prepared for customers. the workers have now filed a formal complaint to cal osha with the help from the california fast food workers union. >> when i saw that he is i was a scare. that is disgusting. and so this is problem not just the employees working on these conditions, but also for the coastal the communities i also spoke with the alameda county health department about these concerns. >> i was told the location did receive an annual inspection back in february and no violations were found. and once we share some of these allegations made by the employees, the department said they would be sending an inspector by to investigate. and that's what we saw on friday. and i did reach out to mcdonald's earlier before the store closure and they sent us this statement from the owner and operator joseph wong. it reads in part, it's important that employees have a safe place to come to work. when we
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became aware of the issue, we immediately contacted pest control and continue to work with them to address this. and we will continue to follow this story and we're hoping to learn more about what the next steps are for this mcdonald's location. in the newsroom. lezla gooden kron. 4 news. >> it's 10. 36 and tomorrow the man who is accused of killing a shop owner in san francisco's richmond district will have a preliminary hearing. santos de la rosa is accused of beating to death sixty-year-old yanis to walden with a baseball bat outside this convenience store on balboa street. this was in august of last year, which is when police say 12 tried to stop dylan rosa from shoplifting. and he was beaten. the ended up dying of his injuries. 5 days later, de la rosa faces several charges, including murder and assault with a deadly weapon. that court hearing tomorrow is at 09:00am. highway 9 is going to close in saratoga for 3 days
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starting wednesday. and this is so caltrans crews can work on saratoga creek bridge. it will be closed from 9 in the morning until sept. sorry, 9 at night till 7 in the morning. so overnight for those few days, construction should be done by saturday. in national news this week could see another gop attempt to force a sitting house speaker out of his job. our dc correspondent trevor shirley has to say details. >> whether or not speaker mike johnson survives this expected vote will present a major test of his leadership. >> by johnson is not capable of that job. he has proven it over and over again. georgia representative marjorie taylor, greene says this week show called for a motion to vacate potentially forcing mike johnson from his job as speaker of the house. we're holding them accountable. we didn't vote for him to be and that's exactly she and a handful of others in the party
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are unhappy. speaker johnson broker deals with democrats in particular over military funding for ukraine. well, i don't want to predict what she will or won't do. she's pretty much operating on her own with a one or 2 other to express support for what she's doing. but given house rules, representative greene has the power to force a vote on johnson's future. >> even as democrats say, they'll step in to kill that effort. but only once we've made clear. >> this is a vote of conscience. >> already some republicans say they want to avoid the kind of circus that happened when the party forced out. former speaker kevin mccarthy. >> descending into chaos and closing the house down and they came to share again. this exactly the opposite. need to have the majority of republicans, though, say they stand with the speaker. i think speaker johnson's do an outstanding job president trump on that. representative green hasn't said specifically when she plans to call this motion for a vote. >> other than saying it will be sometime this week reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley.
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>> if the mayor has her way, there are going to be some new entertainment zones coming to downtown san francisco mayor breed is working on allowing restaurants and bars to sell alcohol during outdoor events. >> and hang out with your friends and have a beer. and listen to music without going through some lengthy city process sound permit drama, stuff. i am trying to get rid of the bureaucracy which takes away the fun in what so many are small businesses are trying to create to continue to ensure that the vibrancy and the excitement of why people love san francisco remains. >> the mayors legislation will be introduced tomorrow at the board of supervisors meeting. local employers are looking to phil 800 positions throughout san francisco. and if you're looking for jobs, you should
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head to the 30 annual hospitality small business job fair. its in front of the ferry building on wednesday, a day after tomorrow to be 10 in the morning until one in the afternoon. and there will be more than 50 employers. they're ready to take your resume. we just named a few of them. ikea, marriott, see's, candies and more. the berkeley humane society has its pints for paws event. it's coming up on june. 1st, the tickets are $95 a piece and that gets you a commemorative beer glass and unlimited tastings of local craft beers, wines and ciders and also to celebrate the berkeley humane society. they're waiving all the adoption fees for the whole month of may. so if you want to adopt a pet now might be a good time. 10, 41 and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. >> how the a's came out. they were well, i mean, you can see they ended their winning streak, but we'll show this particular game in the highlights. there. and we'll take a look at the giants to john.
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>> could you go without your smartphone? how one couple is capitalizing on the dump phone movement with an online store selling devices to reduce screen time next. rich on tech. and today is looking like a good one to get back out there, especially if you don't mind a little bit of a cooler feels san jose, 68 degrees today compared to where we're heading definitely on the cooler side talking our warm-up for the rest of the warm-up for the rest of the forecast
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we're here today to set the record straight about dupuytren's contracture. surgery is not your only treatment option. people may think their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. visit today to get started. >> 10 44 right now and one couple has done something smartphones being so addictive day or selling dumb phones
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meant to reduce your screen time. rich demuro takes a look. >> william stoltz was using a smartphone for 6 hours a day when he decided enough is enough. i think they're designed to be used as much as possible and to give you everything you want instantaneously, which is a really cool idea. but it ends up being counterproductive. sometimes. along with his partner daisy, they decided to adopt a less screen filled lifestyle and help others do the same. some people just can't function with the how addictive the smartphone currently is. they started a website called dumb wireless dot com. we should just make a one-stop shop for the best non smartphone so people easily make the switch if they want to try it each morning, they check for sales, printout labels, pack up devices and send them off. this was ready to go swimming off to texas phones range from a simple flip to a smartphone with a small screen. you'll naturally want to use less. i really think that it's.
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>> more human to spend less time on the screen. there's also a phone with the kindle like display. so it's less enticing and an nfc gadget that physically locks you out of your phone and the only way to unlock it. now you have to unlock it. >> and tap the tag allow and now a going minimal isn't for everyone. but the benefits are clear. i think you create opportunities to connect with people >> are eliminated when you're already preoccupied. and if you're thinking there's no way i can go without a smart phone because i need my camera. well, they've got that covered, too, with the camp snapped. this is a point shoot camera. >> take pictures digitally. the camera is $65. phones range from 50 to 300. it's just to find a way to have a better relationship attack, especially if it's really, really getting in the way of your productivity, your your relationships. >> speaking of smartphones.
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>> apple is having this big event tomorrow and all the say is let loose. it's going to be in cupertino. and that is the hint. you know, there was famous for unveiling big things, but they won't tell us what this happens tomorrow morning at 07:00am so we don't have to wait too long to find out. let loose that loose. what could be i don't know. maybe it's something where you can drop your phone and it will break. >> okay. at the annual all the met is you don't know is happening tonight. so we'll see what the stars look like on the red carpet. they're supposed to arrive for the event in new york at 06:00pm eastern time. so that's nice. it will be an early day for us. we can see all their outfits. >> this year's theme, the garden of time. vogue says they expect some crazy outfits, including like some floral and botanical looks. that is going to be fun. send a a is one of the host jennifer lopez and bad bunny as well. i love seeing their
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get and they're not practical, but they're pretty cool looking now tractable for any for any kind of weather, like 0. yes, no, no, i i mentioned could stay warm in sonoma. since the fall out, a layer is for sure you would have needed those up in the sierra this past weekend. with that fresh snowfall. >> anywhere between a foot to 2 feet of it on some of our ski resorts up there, you can even see the decked their diamond. pete, those picnic table still covered with some snow that is starting to melt off a little bit more under all the sunshine that's being seen up there, the bay area so well over a month's worth of rainfall for your may averages. just a few hours in many cases, mount tam saw over 2 inches on saturday, half moon bay over and inc. as got close to an inch itself. so2 definitely was a wet saturday. we dry out since then. but stay pretty cool. today is going to be another cool. but sunny day, as you can see, we do have rain and snow to the north and east of us. the same storm system that impacted the saturday moving into the
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central plains resulting in severe weather out that direction while here across the bay area and really the rest of the state weve got nothing but sunshine built up and definitely a warmer forecast towards especially the middle to end of the week. as for today and tomorrow, for that matter, if you are inland and you enjoy cooler feeling weather. well, these 2 days are definitely the days you want to get out there and get some stuff done as today's daytime highs, regardless of how far inland you are, will only peak in the 60's barely upper 70's low 70's for just a couple of spots. oakland at 64 today similar to san ramon. it will be 65 while fairfield and vacaville are only 2 spots to barely get out 70 degrees. tomorrow's temperatures a little bit warmer but come wednesday, the return of our 80's inland and even some 80's along the bay shore come thursday and friday weekend. looks amazing. thank you, john. 10. 49 right now and the port of oakland's free harbor tours. >> are back this friday, john, just in time for the great
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weather. it's a 90 minute narrated tour and it's a unique opportunity to see the port up close and personal and enjoy a sunset cruise along the oakland estuary and san francisco bay. and this runs through october. you can reserve your ticket online. i know is they brewery is being recognized for creating the highest-rated beer and all of california. >> in the north bay, according to beer advocate, russian river brewing company's pliny. the younger is the highest rated beer in the entire estate the younger to triple ipa. it only comes out once a year. it's a limited edition for springtime and we cover it every year. we covered it live on the kron. 4 morning news. in fact, is here. video in a second of all. these people lined up to get it. so it's long gone. you can't get it. >> plus, they limited, you know, i think it was like one bottle and anyway, after planning the younger, it's plenty. the elder that came in at number 5. >> so 2 of their brewers and
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then other russian river breweries making the list. the wild ale version of the abyei be an indication supplication that they have that beer and that came in at the top 15. so some good local beers for you to try. let's talk baseball. the a's taken on the marlins at the coliseum, finishing up their series. the marlins got the win, though. and the giants fell 2 and it was so close for both of them cover sports reporter kate rooney has the highlights. oakland's best in baseball. six-game winning streak came to an end. >> here at the colosseum at the hands of the miami marlins. the writing was on the wall pretty early in this one after miami scored 4 runs in the first inning starting pitcher joe boyle for oakland clearly didn't have his command and left after the first inning with what the team called a lower back injury. so even though the crowd of more than 12,000 fans largest since opening day here at the coliseum, didn't get to witness a win. they still took the series against miami and overall have played some pretty good baseball over the
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course of the last 2 weeks. i think as as a whole were were just finding we're going out there playing a game of baseball and we know that. >> with the talent we have in this locker room, we can go. to to the church and lot of ball games to make anyone far without their they had a ball everywhere where we work. lot of soft accounting for those 4 runs. >> you know that. offensively today we. really didn't get much going. you outside recovering a couple good at-bats. you know, and pretty much more with start injury leaves starting pitching rotation in question this week. and manager mark kotsay said he is expected to have an mri after which the team hopes to know more. >> and the a's now start their series with the rangers tonight at 6.40, and i talked about the giants a losing by one run. well. >> let's talk a little more here because mason black is making his first mlb debut for the giants. he was called up
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from the sacramento river cats this season. bob melvin tells reporters it's going to be very special for him day. the giants we finish up their series against the phillies today. first pitch is at 01:00pm. >> students around the bay are going to be breaking out the big wheels. probably not. the old school, big way like i'm talking about, you know, bicycles, running shoes. >> it's walk. bike role, do whatever you can on wednesday for national walk, bike and roll school day marin, santa clara solano having special events throughout the day for students, national walk bike and roll to school day is every year. and it's a chance for students to learn about street safety, a cleaner environment and healthy habits. it's 10 53. we'll be right back.
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>> just about done on the kron 4 morning news from monday. but before we go, let's check in with jack jessica wills and see what's coming up on live in the bay today. high. just hey. good morning, daria. coming up today on live in the bay bay area, singer-songwriter jared harper stops by ahead of his performance at bottle rock. >> we hear about his inspiring musical journey, making it to the big stage and mother's day is this weekend. bestreviews has the breakdown of the perfect gets that every mom will love. plus want a nice brunch without all the chef thomas ricci has some simple and delicious recipes you can easily with up to cheat. the mom at home. and as always, we want to hear what you have to say about our question of the day. so go ahead and scan that qr code today. we want to know
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what is a beverage that brings back fond memories. let us know in your answer. could be read live today on the show 01:00pm right here on kron. i can't tell you. i don't know if it's a birch tree. birch beer is sort of root beer taste but was called birch beer. i don't ever do that now. those are saying it's not real beer. i had as a kid root beer for the kids. >> sounds we'll see you just have a good show the fall guy rising to the top of the box office over the weekend on my gosh, looks like an action movie or but it's kind just job to, right? yeah. you know, it's it's on-the-job kids. al action movie is ok. so ryan gosling and emily blunt, i like him. so i might watch that and the weather or bad. but this week is going to be saturday would be the they were looking at. really nice sunshine ahead of us. so you can take one day and watch a movie. so got plenty other options. all right. we'll see you tomorrow. >> back for more.
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right now you can get a free footlong at subway. just buy any footlong in the app and get one free. just scan the qr code and enter promo code flbogo it only works from the other side of the screen, buddy. you still got a land line in your house. order now in the subway app. ♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪
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♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪
11:00 am
announcer: today on dr. phil-- my ex-husband kidnapped my daughters. i did not kidnap my daughters. they ran away. you said your life would be better if she was dead. if she was gone forever, yeah. definitely. announcer: she claims he's brainwashing their girls against her. she's a drunk. she is nuts. i don't quite consider her a woman anymore. you do admit that you emotionally and verbally abuse her. - i do? i do? well, you've done it since you've been out here.


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