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Channel One Russia

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Продать на Украине сегодня можно всё: от плодородных чернозёмов до младенца. А заботливые зарубежные "партнёры" с удовольствием заберут самое ценное. Несовершеннолетних детей поставляют в сексуальное рабство, на органы и в качестве потомства для однополых пар....
Topics: ukraine, russia, kiev, germany, spain, poland, sbu, timur, zelsky, lugansk, milania, white angels,...
Source: Antenna

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Topic: vietnam
Source: Comcast Cable
Channel One Russia

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Студент московского журфака Данил отправляется добровольцем в зону проведения СВО. Его девушка Алиса, поняв, что ждет ребенка, едет за ним, чтобы вернуть обратно. Найти любимого в зоне боевых действий оказывается непросто. За несколько недель, проведенных в Мариуполе,...
Topics: sasha, kostya, moscow, kiev, danya, russia, stellar group, yankovsky, alice, pavlo, alexander...
Source: Antenna
Channel One Russia

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Студент московского журфака Данил отправляется добровольцем в зону проведения СВО. Его девушка Алиса, поняв, что ждет ребенка, едет за ним, чтобы вернуть обратно. Найти любимого в зоне боевых действий оказывается непросто. За несколько недель, проведенных в Мариуполе,...
Topics: pavlo, moscow, stellar group, danya, sasha, brest, st. petersburg, marinka, danil, uaz, ukraine,...
Source: Antenna

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Званий, наград и регалий в карьере самого титулованного российского фигуриста не счесть. Однако не только личные спортивные достижения, победы на Олимпиадах и титул чемпиона мира делают Плющенко любимцем публики. После завершения профессиональной спортивной карьеры он...
Topics: ntv, russia, evgeni plushenko, frost, europe, dmitry aliev, kfc, alice, valeria, alexander samarin,...
Source: Antenna
Channel One Russia

eye 4

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1 апреля 1976 года астроном Николай Черных в Крымской обсерватории открыл малую планету, которой присвоили номер 3723 и назвали в честь советского и российского поэта Андрея Вознесенского. Отсюда возникло название фильма и прием повествования: рассказать нашим...
Topics: russia, voznesensky, moscow, ukraine, nato, soviet union, andrei, west, kiev, european union,...
Source: Antenna
Channel One Russia

eye 12

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1 апреля 1976 года астроном Николай Черных в Крымской обсерватории открыл малую планету, которой присвоили номер 3723 и назвали в честь советского и российского поэта Андрея Вознесенского. Отсюда возникло название фильма и прием повествования: рассказать нашим...
Topics: voznesensky, andrei, asya, andrey voznesensky, moscow, andrey, europe, andrei voznesensky, paris,...
Source: Antenna
Channel One Russia

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Когда Элизабет встречает Джона, ее уравновешенность улетучивается в одно мгновение. Изощренный соблазнитель втягивает ее в эффектную любовную игру, которая заставляет ее отказаться от прежних жизненных принципов. Их свидания - это утоление голода, это мед, стекающий по...
Topics: moscow, seryozha, sergei, soviet union, elbrus, masha, kislovodsk, nelya, vladimir putin, seryozh,...
Source: Antenna
Легкомысленный и избалованный Томас проводит ночи напролет в клубах, а дни - в постели. До тех пор, пока это вконец не надоедает его отцу, прославленному детскому врачу. Доктор Рейнхард ставит отпрыска перед выбором: остаться без дома и средств к существованию, либо взять...
Topics: vyacheslav mikhailovich, marcus, vtb, sberbank, marina, hector, markus, charles, pentalgin
Source: Antenna

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Grant Quertermous talked about his book, "A Georgetown Life: The Reminiscences of Britannia Wellington Peter Kennon of Tudor Place." Britannia was the great-granddaughter of Martha Washington and, throughout her life, was connected to the important people and events of 19th century Washington, D.C. The National Archives hosted this event and provided the video. Sponsor: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: washington, tudor, britannia, columbia, martha, peter, luckett, vernon, virginia, martha...
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 11

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Grant Quertermous talked about his book, "A Georgetown Life: The Reminiscences of Britannia Wellington Peter Kennon of Tudor Place." Britannia was the great-granddaughter of Martha Washington and, throughout her life, was connected to the important people and events of 19th century Washington, D.C. The National Archives hosted this event and provided the video. Sponsor: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: washington, martha, peter, armstead, virginia, columbia, martha washington, philadelphia, vernon,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Grant Quertermous talked about his book, "A Georgetown Life: The Reminiscences of Britannia Wellington Peter Kennon of Tudor Place." Britannia was the great-granddaughter of Martha Washington and, throughout her life, was connected to the important people and events of 19th century Washington, D.C. The National Archives hosted this event and provided the video. Sponsor: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: washington, tudor, vernon, peter, britannia, armstead, columbia, martha washington, virginia,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topic: washington
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topics: atlanta, georgia, florida, virginia, henry grady, chicago, louisiana, henry a grady, scott nelson,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topics: chicago, georgia, florida, new orleans, mississippi, detroit, henry grady, henry, martha jones
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topics: georgia, florida, atlanta, virginia, north carolina, louisiana, new orleans, chicago, scott nelson,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topics: atlanta, florida, georgia, virginia, henry grady, louisiana, chicago, scott nelson, new orleans,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topics: atlanta, florida, georgia, virginia, henry grady, louisiana, chicago, scott nelson, new orleans,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topics: atlanta, florida, georgia, virginia, henry grady, louisiana, chicago, scott nelson, new orleans,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topics: georgia, atlanta, florida, virginia, louisiana, henry grady, north carolina, chicago, texas,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topics: atlanta, georgia, florida, virginia, louisiana, atlantic, henry grady, chicago, california, north...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topics: atlanta, florida, georgia, virginia, henry grady, louisiana, chicago, scott nelson, new orleans,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topics: atlanta, florida, georgia, virginia, henry grady, louisiana, chicago, scott nelson, new orleans,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topics: atlanta, florida, georgia, virginia, henry grady, louisiana, chicago, scott nelson, new orleans,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topics: atlanta, florida, georgia, virginia, henry grady, louisiana, chicago, scott nelson, new orleans,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topics: atlanta, florida, georgia, virginia, henry grady, louisiana, chicago, scott nelson, new orleans,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topics: atlanta, florida, georgia, virginia, henry grady, louisiana, chicago, scott nelson, new orleans,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Historians Fitzhugh Brundage, Jon Sensbach and Scott Nelson discussed how the South's economy, politics, religion, race relations & culture have impacted America over the last two centuries. The Atlanta History Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Atlanta History Center
Topics: atlanta, florida, georgia, virginia, henry grady, louisiana, chicago, scott nelson, new orleans,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Seoul, South Korea, to meet with South Korean acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn. Following their bilateral meeting and working lunch, they held a joint press conference outlining the U.S.-South Korea alliance and the security situation on the Korean Peninsula. Vice President Pence said the U.S. commitment to South Korea was "ironclad and immutable" and warned North Korea that "all options are on the table" in regards to its nuclear and...
Topics: north korea, south korea, china, korea, v.p., korea, trump
Source: Comcast Cable
Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Seoul, South Korea, to meet with South Korean acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn. Following their bilateral meeting and working lunch, they held a joint press conference outlining the U.S.-South Korea alliance and the security situation on the Korean Peninsula. Vice President Pence said the U.S. commitment to South Korea was "ironclad and immutable" and warned North Korea that "all options are on the table" in regards to its nuclear and...
Topics: north korea, south korea, korea, china, trump, korea
Source: Comcast Cable
Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Seoul, South Korea, to meet with South Korean acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn. Following their bilateral meeting and working lunch, they held a joint press conference outlining the U.S.-South Korea alliance and the security situation on the Korean Peninsula. Vice President Pence said the U.S. commitment to South Korea was "ironclad and immutable" and warned North Korea that "all options are on the table" in regards to its nuclear and...
Topics: north korea, south korea, korea, china, u.s. china
Source: Comcast Cable
Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Seoul, South Korea, to meet with South Korean acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn. Following their bilateral meeting and working lunch, they held a joint press conference outlining the U.S.-South Korea alliance and the security situation on the Korean Peninsula. Vice President Pence said the U.S. commitment to South Korea was "ironclad and immutable" and warned North Korea that "all options are on the table" in regards to its nuclear and...
Topics: north korea, south korea, korea, china, v.p., hwang, trump
Source: Comcast Cable
Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Seoul, South Korea, to meet with South Korean acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn. Following their bilateral meeting and working lunch, they held a joint press conference outlining the U.S.-South Korea alliance and the security situation on the Korean Peninsula. Vice President Pence said the U.S. commitment to South Korea was "ironclad and immutable" and warned North Korea that "all options are on the table" in regards to its nuclear and...
Topics: south korea, north korea, korea, china, donald trump, korean peninsula
Source: Comcast Cable
Channel One Russia

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Первый канал представляет гала-концерт Национального открытого чемпионата творческих компетенций ArtMasters 2023 на сцене Государственного академического Большого театра России. В торжественном вечере принимают участие финалисты чемпионата, а также члены Наблюдательного...
Topics: belozerov, moscow, golochan, bolshoi theater, st. petersburg, italy, england, cook, presenter,...
Source: Antenna
Cast and crew of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" talked about the show's quest for authenticity and what it took to portray the actions of Easy Company. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum
Topics: stephen, ross, steven, europe, tony, frank, hbo, michael, england, normandy, steve, uk, steve...
Source: Comcast Cable
Cast and crew of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" talked about the show's quest for authenticity and what it took to portray the actions of Easy Company. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum
Topics: stephen, ross, steven, europe, tony, frank, hbo, michael, england, normandy, steve, uk, steve...
Source: Comcast Cable
Cast and crew of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" talked about the show's quest for authenticity and what it took to portray the actions of Easy Company. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum
Topics: stephen, ross, steven, europe, tony, frank, hbo, michael, england, normandy, steve, uk, steve...
Source: Comcast Cable
Cast and crew of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" talked about the show's quest for authenticity and what it took to portray the actions of Easy Company. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum
Topics: stephen, ross, steven, europe, tony, frank, hbo, michael, england, normandy, steve, uk, steve...
Source: Comcast Cable
Cast and crew of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" talked about the show's quest for authenticity and what it took to portray the actions of Easy Company. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum
Topics: stephen, ross, steven, europe, tony, frank, hbo, michael, england, normandy, steve, uk, steve...
Source: Comcast Cable
Cast and crew of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" talked about the show's quest for authenticity and what it took to portray the actions of Easy Company. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum
Topics: hbo, steven, stephen, ross, steve, europe, tony, england, michael, frank, normandy, uk, kirk,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Cast and crew of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" talked about the show's quest for authenticity and what it took to portray the actions of Easy Company. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum
Topics: stephen, hbo, ross, steve, europe, tom hanks, tony, england, michael, frank, normandy, uk, kirk,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Cast and crew of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" talked about the show's quest for authenticity and what it took to portray the actions of Easy Company. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum
Topics: stephen, ross, steven, europe, tony, frank, hbo, michael, england, normandy, steve, uk, steve...
Source: Comcast Cable
Cast members of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" joined family members of Easy Company veterans to talk about the soldiers that were portrayed on screen. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum,National Park Service | National World War II Memorial
Topics: frank, tom hanks, jody, george, bastogne, robin, paris, chris, tricia, shane taylor, garnier,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Cast members of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" joined family members of Easy Company veterans to talk about the soldiers that were portrayed on screen. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum,National Park Service | National World War II Memorial
Topics: frank, tom hanks, jody, george, bastogne, robin, paris, chris, tricia, shane taylor, garnier,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Cast members of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" joined family members of Easy Company veterans to talk about the soldiers that were portrayed on screen. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum,National Park Service | National World War II Memorial
Topics: frank, tom hanks, jody, george, bastogne, robin, paris, chris, tricia, shane taylor, garnier,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Cast members of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" joined family members of Easy Company veterans to talk about the soldiers that were portrayed on screen. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum,National Park Service | National World War II Memorial
Topics: frank, tom hanks, jody, george, bastogne, robin, paris, chris, tricia, shane taylor, garnier,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Cast members of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" joined family members of Easy Company veterans to talk about the soldiers that were portrayed on screen. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum,National Park Service | National World War II Memorial
Topics: frank, tom hanks, paris, george, robin, chris, jodie burke, england, new orleans, garnier, johnny,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Cast members of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" joined family members of Easy Company veterans to talk about the soldiers that were portrayed on screen. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum,National Park Service | National World War II Memorial
Topics: george, frank, chris, tom hanks, paris, jodie, washington, robin, new orleans, england, johnny...
Source: Comcast Cable
Cast members of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" joined family members of Easy Company veterans to talk about the soldiers that were portrayed on screen. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum,National Park Service | National World War II Memorial
Topics: frank, tom hanks, jody, george, bastogne, robin, paris, chris, tricia, shane taylor, garnier,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Cast members of the World War II miniseries "Band of Brothers" joined family members of Easy Company veterans to talk about the soldiers that were portrayed on screen. The National World War II Museum in New Orleans hosted this event. Sponsor: National World War II Museum,National Park Service | National World War II Memorial
Topics: frank, tom hanks, jody, george, bastogne, robin, paris, chris, tricia, shane taylor, garnier,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Deborah Plant discussed Zora Neale Hurston's 2018 New York Times bestseller, "Barracoon." The book is a record of Ms. Hurston's interviews between 1927 and 1931 of Cudjo Kossola Lewis, a survivor of the Clotilda, the last known slave ship to make the transatlantic voyage from West Africa. Ms. Plant, the book's editor, was the keynote speaker at the "Spirit of Our Ancestors Festival," a reunion of descendants of the slave ship Clotilda who founded the Africatown neighborhood...
Topics: alabama, hurston, benin, timothy meaher, william foster, herston, nigeria, carter g. woodson,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Deborah Plant discussed Zora Neale Hurston's 2018 New York Times bestseller, "Barracoon." The book is a record of Ms. Hurston's interviews between 1927 and 1931 of Cudjo Kossola Lewis, a survivor of the Clotilda, the last known slave ship to make the transatlantic voyage from West Africa. Ms. Plant, the book's editor, was the keynote speaker at the "Spirit of Our Ancestors Festival," a reunion of descendants of the slave ship Clotilda who founded the Africatown neighborhood...
Topics: alabama, hurston, william foster, timothy meaher, nigeria, benin, barracoon, africa, kossola,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Deborah Plant discussed Zora Neale Hurston's 2018 New York Times bestseller, "Barracoon." The book is a record of Ms. Hurston's interviews between 1927 and 1931 of Cudjo Kossola Lewis, a survivor of the Clotilda, the last known slave ship to make the transatlantic voyage from West Africa. Ms. Plant, the book's editor, was the keynote speaker at the "Spirit of Our Ancestors Festival," a reunion of descendants of the slave ship Clotilda who founded the Africatown neighborhood...
Topics: alabama, hurston, africa, william foster, nigeria, benin, timothy, deborah, new york, timothy...
Source: Comcast Cable
Deborah Plant discussed Zora Neale Hurston's 2018 New York Times bestseller, "Barracoon." The book is a record of Ms. Hurston's interviews between 1927 and 1931 of Cudjo Kossola Lewis, a survivor of the Clotilda, the last known slave ship to make the transatlantic voyage from West Africa. Ms. Plant, the book's editor, was the keynote speaker at the "Spirit of Our Ancestors Festival," a reunion of descendants of the slave ship Clotilda who founded the Africatown neighborhood...
Topics: alabama, hurston, nigeria, william foster, timothy, hurston, africa, benin, deborah, kossola,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Deborah Plant discussed Zora Neale Hurston's 2018 New York Times bestseller, "Barracoon." The book is a record of Ms. Hurston's interviews between 1927 and 1931 of Cudjo Kossola Lewis, a survivor of the Clotilda, the last known slave ship to make the transatlantic voyage from West Africa. Ms. Plant, the book's editor, was the keynote speaker at the "Spirit of Our Ancestors Festival," a reunion of descendants of the slave ship Clotilda who founded the Africatown neighborhood...
Topics: hurston, alabama, timothy meaher, nigeria, william foster, benin, hurston, kossola, africa, alice...
Source: Comcast Cable
Deborah Plant discussed Zora Neale Hurston's 2018 New York Times bestseller, "Barracoon." The book is a record of Ms. Hurston's interviews between 1927 and 1931 of Cudjo Kossola Lewis, a survivor of the Clotilda, the last known slave ship to make the transatlantic voyage from West Africa. Ms. Plant, the book's editor, was the keynote speaker at the "Spirit of Our Ancestors Festival," a reunion of descendants of the slave ship Clotilda who founded the Africatown neighborhood...
Topics: alabama, nigeria, william foster, africa, hurston, timothy, timothy mayer, woodson, longhand,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Sarah Matteson gave a tour of the "Border: A Line that Divides" photo exhibit at the San Diego History Center and talked about the San Ysidro border crossing, considered the busiest land-border crossing in the world. C-SPAN's Local Content Vehicles (LCVs) made a stop in their "2016 LCV Cities Tour" in San Diego, California, from November 5-11, to feature the history and literary life of the community. Working with the Charter Spectrum and Cox Communications cable local...
Topics: san diego, mexico
Source: Comcast Cable

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Sarah Matteson gave a tour of the "Border: A Line that Divides" photo exhibit at the San Diego History Center and talked about the San Ysidro border crossing, considered the busiest land-border crossing in the world. C-SPAN's Local Content Vehicles (LCVs) made a stop in their "2016 LCV Cities Tour" in San Diego, California, from November 5-11, to feature the history and literary life of the community. Working with the Charter Spectrum and Cox Communications cable local...
Topics: san diego california, san diego, mexico
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 96

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Sarah Matteson gave a tour of the "Border: A Line that Divides" photo exhibit at the San Diego History Center and talked about the San Ysidro border crossing, considered the busiest land-border crossing in the world. C-SPAN's Local Content Vehicles (LCVs) made a stop in their "2016 LCV Cities Tour" in San Diego, California, from November 5-11, to feature the history and literary life of the community. Working with the Charter Spectrum and Cox Communications cable local...
Topic: san diego
Source: Comcast Cable
Topic: mckinney
Source: Comcast Cable
Topic: fresno
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: "Communist Propaganda" - 1958 U.S. Information Agency Film Preview, Television Program
Source: Comcast Cable
Topics: joshua chamberlain, appomattox, joshua chamberlain, michael kazin
Source: Comcast Cable
Topic: washington
Source: Comcast Cable

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U.S. Capitol Historical Society chief guide Steve Livengood gave a virtual walking tour of a Capitol Hill neighborhood bordered by 1st Street at A and East Capitol Streets, N.E., explaining the history and culture that created it. The tour is based on the society's book "Creating Capitol Hill: Place, Proprietors, and People." The historical society provided this video. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol Historical Society
Topics: washington, daniel, george walker, navy, maryland, london, georgia, don hawkins, walker,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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U.S. Capitol Historical Society chief guide Steve Livengood gave a virtual walking tour of a Capitol Hill neighborhood bordered by 1st Street at A and East Capitol Streets, N.E., explaining the history and culture that created it. The tour is based on the society's book "Creating Capitol Hill: Place, Proprietors, and People." The historical society provided this video. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol Historical Society
Topics: washington, daniel, george walker, navy, maryland, london, georgia, don hawkins, walker,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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U.S. Capitol Historical Society chief guide Steve Livengood gave a virtual walking tour of a Capitol Hill neighborhood bordered by 1st Street at A and East Capitol Streets, N.E., explaining the history and culture that created it. The tour is based on the society's book "Creating Capitol Hill: Place, Proprietors, and People." The historical society provided this video. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol Historical Society
Topics: washington, daniel karol, george walker, don hawkins, navy, walker, maryland, steve, slater,...
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 18

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U.S. Capitol Historical Society chief guide Steve Livengood gave a virtual walking tour of a Capitol Hill neighborhood bordered by 1st Street at A and East Capitol Streets, N.E., explaining the history and culture that created it. The tour is based on the society's book "Creating Capitol Hill: Place, Proprietors, and People." The historical society provided this video. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol Historical Society
Topics: washington, daniel karol, george walker, don hawkins, navy, walker, maryland, steve, slater,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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U.S. Capitol Historical Society chief guide Steve Livengood gave a virtual walking tour of a Capitol Hill neighborhood bordered by 1st Street at A and East Capitol Streets, N.E., explaining the history and culture that created it. The tour is based on the society's book "Creating Capitol Hill: Place, Proprietors, and People." The historical society provided this video. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol Historical Society
Topics: washington, daniel, george walker, navy, maryland, london, georgia, don hawkins, walker,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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U.S. Capitol Historical Society chief guide Steve Livengood gave a virtual walking tour of a Capitol Hill neighborhood bordered by 1st Street at A and East Capitol Streets, N.E., explaining the history and culture that created it. The tour is based on the society's book "Creating Capitol Hill: Place, Proprietors, and People." The historical society provided this video. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol Historical Society
Topics: washington, daniel, george walker, navy, maryland, london, georgia, don hawkins, walker,...
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 5

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U.S. Capitol Historical Society chief guide Steve Livengood gave a virtual walking tour of a Capitol Hill neighborhood bordered by 1st Street at A and East Capitol Streets, N.E., explaining the history and culture that created it. The tour is based on the society's book "Creating Capitol Hill: Place, Proprietors, and People." The historical society provided this video. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol Historical Society
Topics: washington, daniel, george walker, navy, maryland, london, georgia, don hawkins, walker,...
Source: Comcast Cable

eye 9

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U.S. Capitol Historical Society chief guide Steve Livengood gave a virtual walking tour of a Capitol Hill neighborhood bordered by 1st Street at A and East Capitol Streets, N.E., explaining the history and culture that created it. The tour is based on the society's book "Creating Capitol Hill: Place, Proprietors, and People." The historical society provided this video. Sponsor: U.S. Capitol Historical Society
Topics: washington, daniel, george walker, navy, maryland, london, georgia, don hawkins, walker,...
Source: Comcast Cable
Beethoven heute
Topics: germany, egypt, naomi, eritrea, ruby, france, syria, libya, addis ababa, middle east, jonathan...
Source: Antenna
Beethoven heute
Topics: germany, lucas, india, jane, chris, braman, florida
Source: Antenna

eye 121

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Author John Wukovits discussed his book "Dogfight Over Tokyo: The Final Air Battle of the Pacific, and the Last Four Men to Die in World War II." The book tells the story of a group of American aviators who took off on a bombing mission from the carrier USS Yorktown on August 15, 1945, and were attacked over Japan shortly after receiving word that the war had ended. The National World War II Museum hosted this online event and provided the video. Sponsor: National World War II Museum
Topics: tokyo, billy, pacific, billy hobbs, eugene, hobbs, john, kokomo, japan, halsey, eugene mandeberg,...
Source: Comcast Cable